Command Button_Click action on Item/Reminder

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Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
I was hoping for some help, I've got myself confused by cobbling together code found online.

  • Email comes into inbox, macro runs off _ItemAdd, mail gets categorized based on some keywords & reminder set for 7 days later (this part working fine!).
  • Then when relevant category reminder fires, original email item from inbox displays AND userform appears over the top with 3 command buttons.
  • (For instance) 1 of these command buttons should run sub-routine ButtonClick_Yes in Module 1 - which creates new email from template, makes original email item an attachment, assign "to" field based on original email & do some changes to email body.

I'm having trouble working out how to ensure the sub-routine macro has all the relevant references to the original Reminder/ Original mail item.
I don't actually know if I need to use Module1 for the separate sub-routine or if I could run it all through UserForm1 code, but either way the original reminder/email item doesn't seem to be known to either..

Previous advice on VBAExpress was to ensure I listed the items when calling the sub routine from UserForm1, but adding in the full reference Sub ButtonClick_Yes(ByVal Item As Object) gave me a syntax error of: "Compile Error: Expected: List Separator or)" .

So I moved to using ButtonClick_Yes , Item, Object when calling as per below but now I get an error of "Argument Not Optional".

Public WithEvents objInboxItems As Outlook.Items
Public WithEvents OlItems As Outlook.Items

Public Sub Application_Startup()
Set objInboxItems = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items
Set OlItems = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items
End Sub

Public Sub OlItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
Dim obApp As Application
Set obApp = Outlook.Application
If Item.Class = olMail And (LCase(Item.Subject) Like "*invoic*" Or LCase(Item.Body) Like "*invoic*") And Item.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
With Item
.Categories = "Dunning"
.ReminderSet = True
.ReminderTime = Now + 7
End With
End If
Set obApp = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object)
Dim objFollowUpMail As Outlook.MailItem
If Item.Categories = "Dunning" Then
End If
End Sub

Public Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ButtonClick_Yes , Item, Object
End Sub

Public Sub CommandButton2_Click()
ButtonClick_No, Item, Object
End Sub

Public Sub CommandButton3_Click()
ButtonClick_Dismiss, Item, Object
End Sub

Public Sub ButtonClick_Yes(ByVal Item As Object)
Dim objFollowUpMail As Outlook.MailItem

Set objFollowUpMail = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("Example.oft")
With objFollowUpMail
.To = Item.Recipients.Item(1).Address
.Subject = "Follow Up: " & Chr(34) & Item.Subject & Chr(34)
.Attachments.Add Item
.HTMLBody = "Example"
End With
End Sub

Any help, would be really appreciated! Many thanks.
Item & Object objects need to public variables so they can pass from form to module code.

on the userform code - can you post a screenshot of what the form looks like? Do you actually need a userform or just a message box with yes, no, cancel buttons?

I'm thinking you could do

If Item.Categories = "Dunning" Then

strMsg = "Your question goes here"
intRes = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "whatever goes here")
If intRes = vbYes Then
ButtonClick_Yes Item
End If

' assuming you want to do something beside cancel if no
If intRes = vbNo Then
ButtonClick_No Item
End If

End If

Actually, it might be easier to call a macro that brings up the msgbox. But... depending on what the userform does and looks like you may not need to use it.
This is basically what I would do - if you need to do something if no - then use a second if -

If intRes = vbNo Then
' do whatever
end if

There might be mistakes in the code I added - have not had a chance to test it yet.

Public Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object)
Dim objFollowUpMail As Outlook.MailItem
If Item.Categories = "Dunning" Then


SendReminder Item
End If
End Sub

Public Sub SendReminder(ByVal Item As Object)
Dim objFollowUpMail As Outlook.MailItem

strMsg = "Your question goes here"
intRes = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "whatever goes here")

If intRes = vbYes Then

Set objFollowUpMail = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("Example.oft")
With objFollowUpMail
.To = Item.Recipients.Item(1).Address
.Subject = "Follow Up: " & Chr(34) & Item.Subject & Chr(34)
.Attachments.Add Item
.HTMLBody = "Example"
End With

End If

End Sub
Thanks for coming back to me! :)

I did actually manage to get it to work using a User Form (after help from another VBA forum), which I was keen on, as I definitely wanted more than just a yes/no value (there's also a defer reminder option). Plus the UserForm is company branded etc.


Essentially in the UserForm code, I set up 4 subs which are loaded on the relevant button click, which all set a "tag" to a different numeric value .


Public Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Tag = 1
End Sub

Public Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Tag = 2
End Sub

After setting that "tag" - the UserForm gets hidden & the focus of the macro automatically returns to the Application_Reminder sub I was running (that had paused in the background because of the UserForm). The "tag" value I set in the UserForm is remembered & used in that sub to tell it what route to follow.

i.e. if button 1 has been pressed, this is the "yes" button, so load the follow on macro ButtonClick_Yes, if button 2 has been pressed, this is the "no" button, so load the follow on macro ButtonClick_No etc. etc.

Public Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object)
Dim strPrompt As String
Dim nResponse As Integer
Dim objFollowUpMail As Outlook.MailItem

If Item.Categories = "Awaiting Dunning" Then
With DunningReminderPopUp
Select Case .Tag
Case 1: ButtonClick_Yes Item
Case 2: ButtonClick_No Item
Case 3: ButtonClick_Dismiss Item
Case 4: ButtonClick_DismissTmr Item
End Select
End With
Unload DunningReminderPopUp
End If
Item.Close olSave
End Sub
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