How to attach a file with MS Outlook, from a program?

  • Thread starter Thread starter niladri
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I am using Powerbuilder. Is there any way to attach a file to the MS

Outlook...from the Application Program itself?

N.B. The User will not have to attach the file fut the program will

automatically attach the file..


You can't attach a file to the application. You can attach it to an item.

"niladri" <niladri> wrote in message
> I am using Powerbuilder. Is there any way to attach a file to the MS
> Outlook...from the Application Program itself?

> N.B. The User will not have to attach the file fut the program will
> automatically attach the file..

> thanks
> niladri

Ken, No.. you did not understand my questtion al all... Let me explain you


1. I am running an application using Powerbuilder.

2. From this application I am calling MS Outlook.

3. Users then search for a specific file (some .doc, .xls etc) to attach

with this Outlook.

I want to create something so that I can attach the file with Outlook

(instead user to look for it...since I know exactly what file needs to be


all users are left to do is to put the Recipient address and Send....


> You can't attach a file to the application. You can attach it to an item.

> >


> "niladri" <niladri> wrote in message
> >I am using Powerbuilder. Is there any way to attach a file to the MS
> > Outlook...from the Application Program itself?
> > N.B. The User will not have to attach the file fut the program will
> > automatically attach the file..
> > thanks
> > niladri
> >

You would use the Outlook object model to do that. I have no idea about

Powerbuilder, but in VBA code if oMail is a mail item then this would attach

a file to the item:

Dim oAttach As Outlook.Attachment

Set oAttach = oMail.Attachments.Add("pathToTheFile")

"niladri" <niladri> wrote in message
> Ken, No.. you did not understand my questtion al all... Let me explain you
> again...

> 1. I am running an application using Powerbuilder.
> 2. From this application I am calling MS Outlook.
> 3. Users then search for a specific file (some .doc, .xls etc) to attach
> with this Outlook.

> I want to create something so that I can attach the file with Outlook
> (instead user to look for it...since I know exactly what file needs to be
> attached...)

> all users are left to do is to put the Recipient address and Send....

> -niladri
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