Attach Current File to a new Email

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Troy Herman

New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
I use a pdf editor to create and edit pdfs. One of the functions is a button that I click to attach the pdf to a new email using Outlook 2013 (365). The program is supposed to open an Outlook new email window with the file already attached. I had some issues with my computer and ended up restoring it to factory and re-installing all of my programs and now that function doesn't work anymore. I tried using a different pdf editor with the same function but that one doesn't work either. I'm able to use the "Share" function in Word 2013 and it will attach the file to a new email but it won't work on other products not manufactured by MS. Running Windows 7 and Office 365 (2013 version). Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?
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