Properties added to MailItem in ItemSend event visible to recipien

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eiríkur Fannar Torfason
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Eiríkur Fannar Torfason

Hello everybody,

I have a shared add-in written in C# that will store certain custom

properties on a MailItem in the ItemSend event. I use the Redemption library

to add the custom properties.

My problem is that if the e-mail recipient is another user on the same

exchange server then these custom properties are present on the MailItem in

the recipients inbox. Is there anyway that this can be avoided while still

assigning the properties in the ItemSend event?

Here are the methods used to assign the custom properties to the MailItem.

private static void SetNamedMapiProperty(MailItem mailItem, string guid,

string propertyName, string propertyValue, bool unicode)


int tag = GetMapiTag(mailItem, guid, propertyName, unicode);

SafeMailItem safeMailItem = RedemptionUtils.CreateSafeMailItem(mailItem);

safeMailItem.set_Fields(tag, propertyValue);



private static int GetMapiTag(MailItem mailItem, string guid, string

propertyName, bool unicode)


MAPIUtils mapiUtils = RedemptionUtils.CreateMapiUtils();

int tag = mapiUtils.GetIDsFromNames(mailItem.MAPIOBJECT, guid,

propertyName, true);

if (unicode)


tag = tag | 0x1F;




tag = tag | 0x1E;



return tag;

Use a different event -- wait until the item is added to the SentItems


Sue Mosher

"Eiríkur Fannar Torfason" <EirkurFannarTorfason
wrote in message
> Hello everybody,

> I have a shared add-in written in C# that will store certain custom
> properties on a MailItem in the ItemSend event. I use the Redemption
> library
> to add the custom properties.

> My problem is that if the e-mail recipient is another user on the same
> exchange server then these custom properties are present on the MailItem
> in
> the recipients inbox. Is there anyway that this can be avoided while still
> assigning the properties in the ItemSend event?

> Here are the methods used to assign the custom properties to the MailItem.

> private static void SetNamedMapiProperty(MailItem mailItem, string guid,
> string propertyName, string propertyValue, bool unicode)
> {
> int tag = GetMapiTag(mailItem, guid, propertyName, unicode);
> SafeMailItem safeMailItem = RedemptionUtils.CreateSafeMailItem(mailItem);
> safeMailItem.set_Fields(tag, propertyValue);
> Marshal.ReleaseComObject(safeMailItem);
> }

> private static int GetMapiTag(MailItem mailItem, string guid, string
> propertyName, bool unicode)
> {
> MAPIUtils mapiUtils = RedemptionUtils.CreateMapiUtils();
> int tag = mapiUtils.GetIDsFromNames(mailItem.MAPIOBJECT, guid,
> propertyName, true);
> if (unicode)
> {
> tag = tag | 0x1F;
> }
> else
> {
> tag = tag | 0x1E;
> }
> Marshal.ReleaseComObject(mapiUtils);
> return tag;
> }
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