• Thread starter Thread starter Burma
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I have a bunch of messages that are missing PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME. They

show "None" in Outlook's Sent column. I thought the code below should

do the trick but, although it runs without error, the messages with

"None" for the Sent date don't get modified. PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME

is not missing for these messages. Is there something else i need to

do? Thanks

Sub FixDates()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim ol As New Outlook.Application

Dim cfolder1 As MAPIFolder

Dim sItem As Redemption.SafeMailItem

Const cdoPR_CREATION_TIME = &H30070040


Const cdoPR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME = &H390040 '0x00390040

Const cdoPR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME = &HE060040 '0x0E060040


Set cfolder1 = ol.Session.PickFolder

If cfolder1 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

Set sItem = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeMailItem")

For Each Item In cfolder1.Items

sItem.Item = Item

With sItem

If IsNull(.Fields(cdoPR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME)) Or _

IsEmpty(.Fields(cdoPR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME)) Then

If Not IsNull(.Fields(cdoPR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME)) And _

Not IsEmpty(.Fields(cdoPR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME)) Then



End If

> Save

End If

End With

Next Item

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description

Set cfolder = Nothing

Set ol = Nothing

End Sub
See my reply in the mapi newsgroup. Please do not multipost.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)


"Burma" <> wrote in message


> I have a bunch of messages that are missing PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME. They
> show "None" in Outlook's Sent column. I thought the code below should do
> the trick but, although it runs without error, the messages with "None"
> for the Sent date don't get modified. PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME is not
> missing for these messages. Is there something else i need to do? Thanks

> Sub FixDates()

> On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

> Dim ol As New Outlook.Application
> Dim cfolder1 As MAPIFolder
> Dim sItem As Redemption.SafeMailItem

> Const cdoPR_CREATION_TIME = &H30070040
> Const cdoPR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME = &H30080040
> Const cdoPR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME = &H390040 '0x00390040
> Const cdoPR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME = &HE060040 '0x0E060040
> Const cdoPR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS = &H7D001E '0x007D001E

> Set cfolder1 = ol.Session.PickFolder
> If cfolder1 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
> Set sItem = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeMailItem")
> For Each Item In cfolder1.Items
> sItem.Item = Item
> With sItem
> If IsNull(.Fields(cdoPR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME)) Or _
> IsEmpty(.Fields(cdoPR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME)) Then
> If Not IsNull(.Fields(cdoPR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME)) And _
> Not IsEmpty(.Fields(cdoPR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME)) Then
> End If
> .Save
> End If
> End With
> Next Item

> Exit Sub

> ErrorHandler:
> MsgBox Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description
> Set cfolder = Nothing
> Set ol = Nothing

> End Sub
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