My BCM Database is no longer available to be shared with the Database Tool

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Outlook 2010 32 bit
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Hi there,

I'm here because I have no idea where else to turn. I can't find anything on this problem on the internet, and Microsoft's support is nonexistent :(

Basically, as the title of this thread says, everything is working normally with our BCM except that when i went to share it with our most recent user, the database doesn't show up... see below:




The weird part, is that our database DOES show up in the tool when you go through the backup option or migrate option.

Does anyone have a clue as to why this is happening?
If you backup the db, does it get backed up?

Did you try repairing the tool? (I think you need to uninstall/ reinstall to repair it).

I have not tried any of the options. I'll run through some of them tonight.

Thanks for the suggestions--will post back.
Okay--so i should have tried your suggestion first.

I got it sorted, but unfortunately I didn't do it methodologically enough so i don't know exactly what fixed it.

I uninstalled the BCM Database Tool as well as our entire BCM server instance in SQL Server 2005 Express.

Re-installed the instance, then re-installed the DB Tool.

Here's a word of warning if anyone does something like this to fix a problem---IF you are using the "Assigned To" field in BCM, uninstalling the SQL Instance (with its list of users) will wipe out who is assigned to what. Restore a backup to your DB on top of your regular DB after sharing it in the DB tool so that it can populate these fields correctly.

Such a headache, but at least we're up and running again.

Thanks Diane for the suggestions though. Even though I forgot to start simple as you suggested (trying just the DB tool first), you got me on the right track (re-installing stuff).

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