Thank you for responding.
I got the error doing a routine backup through Database Tools/ Manage
Database/ Backup database' which I have done often before without incident.
There is no error number, but the message reads:
"'Database msdb cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery.
See the SQL Server errorlog for more information. Coulld not insert a backup
or restore history/detail record in the msdb database. This may indicate a
problem with the msdb database. The backup/restore operation was still
There is then some % processed information and statistics.
Note that the backup was not successful, at least I cannot see the sbb file
it in the selected location. Also I tried to restore a previous backup but
got a similar error. BCM appears to be working fine. I found the SQL log,
which I don't really understand, but it says it placed a backup in a file
location, but the location seems empty.
I can send you a screenshot of the error and a file of the log if it would
"Leonid S. Knyshov // SBS Expert" wrote:
> Tom,
> Why are you faced with this situation? Is BCM currently working?
> If BCM is working and the backup process is not working, it suggests a
> corruption. I'd connect to the SQL instance and troubleshoot it from there.
> This is likely to be technobabble to you so I'll skip the details.
> What is the exact SQL error message?
> > Leonid S. Knyshov
> >
> "Tom Fountain" wrote:
> > I received this error when attempting to backup. The message continues 'It
> > has been marked SUSPECT by recovery.' Then a lot of techno babble about SQL
> > that I don't understand. I also says that the backup/restore was still
> > successful, but it wasn't. I tried to restore the previous backup, but to no
> > avail. I'm lost on how to proceed, can anyone help? By the way, the link to
> > 'Terms of Use' is not working.