We have a remote Windows Server 2012 server in a data centre. We have 5 remote clients dotted around the country using Office 2013 with BCM. None of these clients are ever going to be able to connect to a LAN. We want to use BCM using the shared database functionality.
Can anybody give me some steps to follow to ensure that I've got the server set up correctly to enable use to do this. For example, does the server need to be a domain controller - it's not at the moment? I've already installed the BCM Database Tool on the server and created the BCM shared database. I can connect to it via SQL Server Management Studio from a remote location. Unfortunately, when I go in to BCM and select the database using the IP Address and SQL Server instance name it fails to connect telling me that the machine is unavailable or does not have a BCM database on it.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Can anybody give me some steps to follow to ensure that I've got the server set up correctly to enable use to do this. For example, does the server need to be a domain controller - it's not at the moment? I've already installed the BCM Database Tool on the server and created the BCM shared database. I can connect to it via SQL Server Management Studio from a remote location. Unfortunately, when I go in to BCM and select the database using the IP Address and SQL Server instance name it fails to connect telling me that the machine is unavailable or does not have a BCM database on it.
Any help will be much appreciated.