Thanks in advance for reading my post. Under the account name John T. Smith in Outlook, I set up BCM for outlook 2010 and created my database which I used for 6 months. Due to some Exchange issues recently (which have since been fixed), we had to delete our mail profiles and recreate them. my outlook account is now (changed the names obviously). I have reinstalled BCM and when I try to access the local database created under John T. Smith, it doesn't "see" it in the database list. When I try to create a new one with the same MSS... name as, it says that the database is already available (but again doesn't see it in the list) so I know that it's still there. I have done some searching with respect to this issue and apparently it is an ownership issue. I tried starting outlook as the administrator but again it doesn't see the database. Any suggestions on how I can get ownership changed and/or BCM to see the database? Thanks! Dave.