BCM Account cannot see BCM Contacts

  • Thread starter Thread starter Johnhod
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i have successfully set up a bunch of Accounts over the past few days. I had some existing contacts and added a bunch of new ones. From the Account record I successfully linked a contact, all from the new ones I had created.

Today I can create a new contact and create a new account. when I go to link the contact from the account screen the select box is no longer populated with any of the new contacts I have created and only sees the few that were previously there. I can go to contacts and see, select and open any contact record. I can open an existing Account and click on an previously linked contact and that contact will be found.

I have

- run office diagnostics and one issue was fixed


- deleted my old outlook profile and created a new one (costly, lost all my categories and all my contacts out of my address book have vanished.)

A different but perhaps related issue is that while my address book contacts have vanished from outlook they still exist on my iphone. However when I synch my iphone through itunes Outlook does not get updated with the many contacts on my iphone.

I run Vista SP1 and Outlook/Office 2007 on a Lenovo X61 Tablet with 4 Gigs of RAM. I am currently up to date on MS Updates.

Any help appreciated.
An account can be linked / associated to only once contact at a given point
of time, I guess that the reason why you aren't seeing it


Rahul Thomas [MSFT]

The posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

"Johnhod" <Johnhod.3whada@no-spam.invalid> wrote in message
> i have successfully set up a bunch of Accounts over the past few days.
> I had some existing contacts and added a bunch of new ones. From the
> Account record I successfully linked a contact, all from the new ones I
> had created.
> Today I can create a new contact and create a new account. when I go
> to link the contact from the account screen the select box is no longer
> populated with any of the new contacts I have created and only sees the
> few that were previously there. I can go to contacts and see, select
> and open any contact record. I can open an existing Account and click on
> an previously linked contact and that contact will be found.
> I have
> - run office diagnostics and one issue was fixed
> - deleted my old outlook profile and created a new one (costly, lost
> all my categories and all my contacts out of my address book have
> vanished.)
> A different but perhaps related issue is that while my address book
> contacts have vanished from outlook they still exist on my iphone.
> However when I synch my iphone through itunes Outlook does not get
> updated with the many contacts on my iphone.
> I run Vista SP1 and Outlook/Office 2007 on a Lenovo X61 Tablet with 4
> Gigs of RAM. I am currently up to date on MS Updates.
> Any help appreciated.
> > Johnhod
> https://forums.slipstick.com/

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