I am working on sat is on setting up a Business contact manager instance for
5 people to work in. I have set up and shared a bcm db on a sql server 05
that is on a WIN 2003 R2 server. I have successfully connected to the bcmdb
on my workstation(WINX64) and have successfuly set up a contact list.
When I try to add an account, I get the following error:
Creating an instance of the COM component with
CLSID{2C247F23-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} from IClassFactory failed due to
the following error: 80040112
I have installed MSO 07 SP2 and the error occurs when the DB is on and off
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Mike L.
I am working on sat is on setting up a Business contact manager instance for
5 people to work in. I have set up and shared a bcm db on a sql server 05
that is on a WIN 2003 R2 server. I have successfully connected to the bcmdb
on my workstation(WINX64) and have successfuly set up a contact list.
When I try to add an account, I get the following error:
Creating an instance of the COM component with
CLSID{2C247F23-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} from IClassFactory failed due to
the following error: 80040112
I have installed MSO 07 SP2 and the error occurs when the DB is on and off
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Mike L.