Just started using Outlook for Mac 2011, as a client list (Contacts) connected with an appointment book (Calendar view.) Looks like it'll work fine for this.
In Contacts View, there's all the basic column headings for things like Name, Primary email, Company, Work Phone, etc. Then you can add more columns by right-clicking any column header and getting a long drop-down list of pre-named column headers...including Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3, etc. That's good, because I need to add specific columns for "Make" "Model" & "Year Built," etc., that don't match any of the pre-named column labels.
However, once they're in place, I need to be able to name each column header what I want. No use creating 4 or 5 new columns for special info, only to have the column headers still named Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3, etc. How do I rename the column headers Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3 to be named "Make" "Model" & "Year Built," etc.? I'm assuming, since Microsoft is allowing you to add "custom" columns, they also allow you to give those columns whatever "custom" name you require
...I just can't find where to rename them. Thanks
In Contacts View, there's all the basic column headings for things like Name, Primary email, Company, Work Phone, etc. Then you can add more columns by right-clicking any column header and getting a long drop-down list of pre-named column headers...including Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3, etc. That's good, because I need to add specific columns for "Make" "Model" & "Year Built," etc., that don't match any of the pre-named column labels.
However, once they're in place, I need to be able to name each column header what I want. No use creating 4 or 5 new columns for special info, only to have the column headers still named Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3, etc. How do I rename the column headers Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3 to be named "Make" "Model" & "Year Built," etc.? I'm assuming, since Microsoft is allowing you to add "custom" columns, they also allow you to give those columns whatever "custom" name you require