Outlook 10 Inbox not updating

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Mitch Aus

New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account

I've been using Outlook 10 for about 3 years now (1 on this device) and all of a sudden my inbox isn't updating. Nor are any of my sent mails in the sent box. But they are still being sent. But when i look at this account on another device everything is normal.

Any ideas??

Do the folders sync if you click the update folder button (on Send and Receive ribbon tab)?
Check the send and receive settings - is auto checking enabled? Ctrl+Alt+S will open the dialog - it should be checking for new mail no more frequently than 5 minutes, 8 is better.
If the account configured as IMAP ? Look in File, Account settings - the account type is to the right of the name.
Yep all the folders sync when prompted but nothing shows up in any of the boxes (inbox/sent). The account is IMAP. I'll try those options you mentioned soon. Cheers for that.
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