Save in folder other than Sent when replying with Quick Steps

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Outlook 2016 64 bit
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I implemented Inbox Zero a while ago. It's working great, but I'm having a lot of trouble getting to Sent Items zero. I checked the option that says "When replying to a message that is not in the Inbox, save the reply in the same folder". That works fine to keep me organized and things out of Sent Items. However, it means that I have to move the message into the right folder before replying. So I get an e-mail, move it to the proper folder, then open the folder, go to the message, and hit Reply.

I thought that Quick Steps might help. I created a Quick Step with two steps. The first moves the current message into my Customers folder. The second step does Reply. I thought that since I had already moved the message, that the Reply would go into the Customers folder. But it does not. It goes to Sent Items. So this doesn't really save me any time, because I then have to go into Sent Items and move the e-mail.

Any way to do this? I can't filter based on anything because any e-mail could end up in my Customers folder. It might be from a Customer, or it might be from someone in my organization referencing a customer problem.

If I could assign a category to the reply with a Quick Step, then I could create a Rule to put it into the proper folder, but I can't assign a category.
How about rules to move everything as they arrive and use a search folder to show you all of the unread mail together in one folder? Replies will go into the folder with the original and both the inbox and sent folder will be empty.
My problem is that usually need to make a manual decision on each e-mail that comes in. For example, my co-worker might send me an e-mail that is about the current development project, customer support, or the latest trade by the Cubs. When I open the e-mail and read it, I know which folder it's supposed to go in, but I can't make a rule that would know ahead of time.
oh. How about using search folders to find the message easier after it was moved? The problem with using quick steps is that it replies then moves. The other option is to set the move to folder on the message, but that will be slower.
Just an FYI, I was chasing the answer to the exact same problem. Seems like a VBA script was the only way to go.
Just google "Save in folder other than Sent when replying with Quick Steps"
on superuser.
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