Save E mail using different path.

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Dear Developpers,

Wonderful website full of information.
I'm currently looking for a way to save email. Problem : Path will be change regarding both information, body and subject.
Each time a mail income in my Inbox, I would like to create a record of this mail on the network but path of recording will depends on a keyword placed in the body and name of the recorded email will depends on words in subject...

i already used this code :

Public Sub SaveMessageAsMsg()
    Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim objItem As Object
    Dim sPath As String
    Dim dtDate As Date
    Dim sName As String
    Dim enviro As String
    Dim strFolderpath As String
    enviro = CStr(Environ("USERPROFILE"))
'Defaults to Documents folder
' get the function at

strFolderpath = BrowseForFolder(enviro & "\documents\")
   For Each objItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection
   If objItem.MessageClass = "IPM.Note" Then
    Set oMail = objItem
  sName = oMail.Subject
  ReplaceCharsForFileName sName, "-"
  dtDate = oMail.ReceivedTime
  sName = Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, _
    vbUseSystem) & Format(dtDate, " -", _
    vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & sName & ".msg"
  sPath = strFolderpath & "\"
  Debug.Print sPath & sName
  oMail.SaveAs sPath & sName, olMsg
  End If

End Sub

Private Sub ReplaceCharsForFileName(sName As String, _
  sChr As String _
  sName = Replace(sName, "'", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "*", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "/", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "\", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, ":", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "?", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, Chr(34), sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "<", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, ">", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "|", sChr)

End Sub

Function BrowseForFolder(Optional OpenAt As Variant) As Variant
  Dim ShellApp As Object
  Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, OpenAt)
On Error Resume Next
    BrowseForFolder = ShellApp.self.Path
On Error GoTo 0
Set ShellApp = Nothing
    Select Case Mid(BrowseForFolder, 2, 1)
        Case Is = ":"
            If Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = ":" Then GoTo Invalid
        Case Is = "\"
            If Not Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = "\" Then GoTo Invalid
        Case Else
            GoTo Invalid
    End Select
Exit Function
BrowseForFolder = False
End Function

I actually don't need the Browse for Folder part... I would like Outlook decide by itself the path it will be used...Any idea ?


If you don't need to browse, replace this with the path -
strFolderpath = "C\newpathhere"

As long as the path is almost always identical, and the keyword in the message is the folder name that changes, you could use something like "C:\path\" & keyword & "\" if they are totally different, you'll need to use either select case or an array to set the path. Using Arrays in Outlook macros
Thanks You Diane

I will explore this option

Thanks !

Hello Diane,

I would like rather to create one macro for each rules i made.
I still use this Macro

Public Sub SaveMessageAsMsg()

    Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim objItem As Object
    Dim sPath As String
    Dim dtDate As Date
    Dim sName As String
    Dim enviro As String
    Dim strFolderpath As String
    enviro = CStr(Environ("USERPROFILE"))
strFolderpath = BrowseForFolder(enviro & "\documents\")
   For Each objItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection
   If objItem.MessageClass = "IPM.Note" Then
    Set oMail = objItem
  sName = oMail.Subject
  ReplaceCharsForFileName sName, "-"
  dtDate = oMail.ReceivedTime
  sName = Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & Format(dtDate, " -", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & sName & ".msg"
  sPath = strFolderpath & "\"
  Debug.Print sPath & sName
  oMail.SaveAs sPath & sName, olMsg
  End If

End Sub

Private Sub ReplaceCharsForFileName(sName As String, sChr As String)
  sName = Replace(sName, "'", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "*", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "/", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "\", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, ":", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "?", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, Chr(34), sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "<", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, ">", sChr)
  sName = Replace(sName, "|", sChr)

End Sub

Function BrowseForFolder(Optional OpenAt As Variant) As Variant
  Dim ShellApp As Object
  Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, OpenAt)

On Error Resume Next
    BrowseForFolder = ShellApp.self.Path
On Error GoTo 0

Set ShellApp = Nothing
    Select Case Mid(BrowseForFolder, 2, 1)
        Case Is = ":"
            If Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = ":" Then GoTo Invalid
        Case Is = "\"
            If Not Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = "\" Then GoTo Invalid
        Case Else
            GoTo Invalid
    End Select
Exit Function

BrowseForFolder = False
End Function

But i would like to avoid the browse to folder part. I'm looking for a way to change this macro. I don't need to select mail i wish to save and i don't need to tell Outlook where i wish to save. I just need Outlook to save regarding rules i gave to it ;)

Any idea ?

BTW, if you are using more than one rule and more than one path, you could have a lot of stub macros that set the value for strFolderpath (and remove the dim and set for omail, and the dim and set for the folder path) then call the SaveMessageAsMsg and pass the path.

Put this at the top of the module, outside of any macro:
Dim strFolderpath As String

and use this in the rule -
public sub rule1(item as outlook.mailitem)
strfolderpath = "c:\the path"
SaveMessageAsMsg oMail
end sub

rename the macro this:
Public Sub SaveMessageAsMsg(oMail as outlook.mailitem)
Replace this line:
strFolderpath = BrowseForFolder(enviro & "\documents\")

with your path -
strFolderpath = enviro & "\documents\"

Thanks Diane

What do you mean ?

Does it following ok ?

Public Sub SaveMessageAsMsg(oMail as outlook.mailitem)

Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objItem As Object
Dim sPath As String
Dim dtDate As Date
Dim sName As String
Dim enviro As String
Dim strFolderpath As String

enviro = CStr(Environ("USERPROFILE"))

strFolderpath = "H:\Control\07.delegates\02.Admin\Incoming Mails\Globes"
strFolderpath = enviro & "\documents\"

For Each objItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection
you don't need both & the second one is the one outlook uses. If the first path is the path you want to use, delete the second line.
strFolderpath = "H:\Control\07.delegates\02.Admin\Incoming Mails\Globes"
strFolderpath = enviro & "\documents\"
Ok Diane

Thank you very much

So if i summarize, i put this code in a module :

Dim strFolderpath As String
Public Sub ruleGlobes(item As Outlook.MailItem)

strFolderpath = "H:\Function\07.delegates\02.Admin\Incoming Mails\Globes"
SaveGlobes oMail
End Sub

Public Sub SaveGlobes()

     Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
     Dim objItem As Object
     Dim sPath As String
     Dim dtDate As Date
     Dim sName As String
     Dim enviro As String
     Dim strFolderpath As String
    strFolderpath = "H:\Function\07.delegates\02.Admin\Incoming Mails\Globes"
    For Each objItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection
    If objItem.MessageClass = "IPM.Note" Then
     Set oMail = objItem
   sName = oMail.Subject
   ReplaceCharsForFileName sName, "-"

   dtDate = oMail.ReceivedTime
   sName = Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & Format(dtDate, " -", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & sName & ".msg"
   sPath = strFolderpath & "\"
   Debug.Print sPath & sName
   oMail.SaveAs sPath & sName, olMsg
   End If

End Sub

Private Sub ReplaceCharsForFileName(sName As String, sChr As String)
   sName = Replace(sName, "'", sChr)
   sName = Replace(sName, "*", sChr)
   sName = Replace(sName, "/", sChr)
   sName = Replace(sName, "\", sChr)
   sName = Replace(sName, ":", sChr)
   sName = Replace(sName, "?", sChr)
   sName = Replace(sName, Chr(34), sChr)
   sName = Replace(sName, "<", sChr)
   sName = Replace(sName, ">", sChr)
   sName = Replace(sName, "|", sChr)

End Sub

then, i create as module as i need without forgeting to update "Globes" and path for others module, and finaly i add Outlook rules the "run a script" function for each of modules/rules...

That's right ?

I just have doubts regarding this line :

For Each objItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection

Because i wish a save for New Email, not for selected.

you need to remove the dim/set for omail and the for each /next lines.

if by this >> I would like rather to create one macro for each rules i made.

you have more than one rule and need to use a different path with each rule, having the macros split will allow you to do it with the least amount of code.

Public Sub rule1(item As Outlook.MailItem)
strFolderpath = "H:\Function\07.delegates\02.Admin\Incoming Mails\Globes"
SaveGlobes oMail
End Sub

Public Sub rule2(item As Outlook.MailItem)
strFolderpath = "H:\Function\07.delegates\02.Admin\Incoming Mails\somethingelse"
SaveGlobes oMail
End Sub

if you are using the same script, it's less useful to break it in two, but can speed up rules because it hands off to another macro.

This should work -

Dim strFolderpath As String
Public Sub ruleGlobes(item As Outlook.MailItem)

strFolderpath = "H:\Function\07.delegates\02.Admin\Incoming Mails\Globes"
SaveGlobes oMail
End Sub

Public Sub SaveGlobes(oMail as outlook.mailitem)
     Dim sPath As String
     Dim dtDate As Date
     Dim sName As String
   sName = oMail.Subject
   ReplaceCharsForFileName sName, "-"

   dtDate = oMail.ReceivedTime
   sName = Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & Format(dtDate, " -", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & sName & ".msg"
   sPath = strFolderpath & "\"
   Debug.Print sPath & sName
   oMail.SaveAs sPath & sName, olMsg
   End If

End Sub
Dear Diane,

Here is my code. Whole lines are pasted in "ThisOutlookSession" and i have no other things in the project (no Module, No Class...)

First part is "regle part" (Means Rules Part). I use it for Outlook Rules. For example when an incoming mail with "Flobes" comes, rule runs in order to move .msg in sub-folders and rule is also running a script. In this case, "regle_Flobes" Please note path is longer than showed and replaced by "XXX"

This macro is currently no able to save files... I'm sure i'm not far from. Have you got an idea ?

Thanks very much !

Sub regle_Tigaga(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
      Call SavAs_mail_as_msg(oMail, "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\Tigaga\")
End Sub

Sub regle_Flobes(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
      Call SavAs_mail_as_msg(oMail, "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\Flobes\")
End Sub

Sub regle_Venturion(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
      Call SavAs_mail_as_msg(oMail, "H:\H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\Venturion\")
End Sub

Sub regle_Bultitest(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
      Call SavAs_mail_as_msg(oMail, "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\Bultitest\")
End Sub

Sub regle_Neregord(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
     Call SavAs_mail_as_msg(oMail, "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\Neregord\")
End Sub
Sub SavAs_mail_as_msg(MyMail As Outlook.MailItem, repertoire)
' Procedure : SavAs_mail_as_msg
' Author  : Oliv
  dtDate = MyMail.ReceivedTime
  mlSubj = MyMail.Subject
  NomExport = Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & Format(dtDate, "hhnnss", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & mlSubj
  If Right(repertoire, 1) <> "\" Then repertoire = repertoire & "\"

  Call waaps_creedir(repertoire)
  PathNomExport = repertoire & "Email" & Left(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace( _
  NomExport, "\", ""), "/", ""), ":", ""), "*", ""), "?", ""), "<", ""), ">", ""), "|", ""), ".", ""), """", ""), vbTab, ""), Chr(7), ""), 160) & ".msg"
  n = 1
  MemPath = PathNomExport
  While Dir(PathNomExport) <> ""
  MsgBox "Le fichier " & vbCr & PathNomExport & vbCr & "existe déjà", vbInformation
  PathNomExport = Left(MemPath, Len(MemPath) - 4) & "(" & n & ")" & ".msg"
  n = n + 1
  MyMail.SaveAs PathNomExport, OlSaveAsType.olMsg

End Sub
Function waaps_creedir(lerep As String) As Boolean

  Dim FSO As FileSystemObject, i As Integer, retour As Boolean
  Dim rp As String, r
  Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemobject")
  rp = Replace(lerep, "\", "/")
  rp = Replace(rp, "//", "/")
  rep = Split(rp, "/")
  r = REP_TOP
  retour = True
  For i = 0 To UBound(rep)
  If (rep(i) <> "") Then
  r = r & rep(i) & "\"
  If (Not FSO.FolderExists(r)) Then
  FSO.CreateFolder (CStr(r))
  If (Not FSO.FolderExists(r)) Then retour = False
  End If
  End If
  Set FSO = Nothing
  waaps_creedir = retour
End Function
ok... using this to tyest it on the selected message
Sub RunScript()
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objItem As MailItem
Set objApp = Application
Set objItem = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
'macro name you want to run goes here
regle_Tigaga objItem
End Sub

And this code - (i got an error on oMail and changed it to Mail)
Sub regle_Tigaga(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
      MsgBox Mail.Subject
      Call SavAs_mail_as_msg(Mail, "C:\Users\drcp\Documents\test\")
End Sub

It worked when i removed this line -
'Call waaps_creedir(repertoire)

This is the filename that was saved:
Email20160401 - 002001 - Exchange Messaging Outlook Meeting Request Tracking.msg
Ok Diane, so if i understand, in "ThisOutlookSession" i paste

Sub RunScript()
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objItem As MailItem
Set objApp = Application
Set objItem = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
'macro name you want to run goes here
regle_Tigaga objItem
End Sub


Sub regle_Tigaga(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
      MsgBox Mail.Subject
      Call SavAs_mail_as_msg(Mail, "C:\Users\drcp\Documents\test\")
End Sub


Sub SavAs_mail_as_msg(MyMail As Outlook.MailItem, repertoire)
' Procedure : SavAs_mail_as_msg
' Author    : Oliv
' Date      : 12/02/2016
' Purpose   :
' exemple repertoire = "c:\mail\"
    'Ici on construit le nom du fichier qui sera créé
    dtDate = MyMail.ReceivedTime
    mlSubj = MyMail.Subject
    NomExport = Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & Format(dtDate, "hhnnss", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & mlSubj
    'Ici on vérifie le répertoire où l'enregistrer
    If Right(repertoire, 1) <> "\" Then repertoire = repertoire & "\"
    'Ici on supprime les caractères non autorisé dans les noms de fichiers
    PathNomExport = repertoire & "Email" & Left(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace( _
    NomExport, "\", ""), "/", ""), ":", ""), "*", ""), "?", ""), "<", ""), ">", ""), "|", ""), ".", ""), """", ""), vbTab, ""), Chr(7), ""), 160) & ".msg"
    'Ici on vérifie que le fichier n'existe pas déjà sinon il serait écrasé
    n = 1
    MemPath = PathNomExport
    While Dir(PathNomExport) <> ""
        MsgBox "Le fichier " & vbCr & PathNomExport & vbCr & "existe déjà", vbInformation
        PathNomExport = Left(MemPath, Len(MemPath) - 4) & "(" & n & ")" & ".msg"
        n = n + 1
    MyMail.SaveAs PathNomExport, OlSaveAsType.olMsg
End Sub

without pasting the "waaps_creedir function"
and i assign "rule_Tigaga" as script in the Tigaga Outlook rule setting.

Right ?


The first macro (RunScript) is used to trigger the run a script macro manually so you don't have to send test messages. Paste it at the bottom of ThisOutlookSession or in a module - run a scripts can either be in a module or in thisoutlooksession (and sometimes work better in a module).

Add a msgbox to the script the rule calls, so you know if it is being triggered (after the first time, you'll want to remove it - it's annoying :)). Select a message, run the RunScript macro - it triggers the script, pops up the message box and calls the savas_mail macro.
Dear Diane,

Thank you to spend time for explaination. I finally found a way (with many help of Diane and Oliv').
This code allows to set scripts to Outlook rules (Règle 1, Régle 2....) and ask Outlook to save incoming mails (.msg) in différent paths, according mail body or subject (depending what you defined in Outlook rule).

Main idea of most of my saving rules are :

Apply this rule after the message arrives
from "sender"
and sent to "recipient"
and with "xxxxxx" in the body
move it to "yyyyyyy" folder
and run Project1.rule_Tigaga

So when a mail incomes, regarding words in body, Outlook will execute rule, which by itself execute VBA Code.

The code :

'-------------------------------------------------Les scripts devant être associés aux règles Outlook----------------------------
'----------------------Règle 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub rule_Tigaga(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
    FundType = "MC - Tigaga"
    Call SavMsgFundType(Mail, "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\MC - Tigaga\", FundType)
End Sub
'----------------------Règle 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub rule_Flobes(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
    FundType = "MC - Flobes"
    Call SavMsgFundType(Mail, "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\MC - Flobes\", FundType)
End Sub
'----------------------Règle 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub rule_Venturion(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
    FundType = "MC - Venturion"
    Call SavMsgFundType(Mail, "H:\XXX\MC - Venturion\", FundType)
End Sub
'----------------------Règle 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub rule_MI(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
    FundType = "MI"
    Call SavMsgFundType(Mail, "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\MI\", FundType)
End Sub
'----------------------Règle 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub rule_Alter(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
    FundType = "MI - Alter"
    Call SavMsgFundType(Mail, "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\MI - Alter\", FundType)
End Sub
'----------------------Règle 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub rule_HF(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
    FundType = "Neregord Funds"
    Call SavMsgFundType(Mail, "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\HF\", FundType)
End Sub
'-------------------------------------------------Les macros étant appelées par les scripts---------------------------------------
'----------------------Macro 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub SavMsgFundType(MyMail As Outlook.MailItem, repertoire, FundType)
'Construction du nom de fichier sauvegardé
    dtDate = MyMail.ReceivedTime
    mlSubj = MyMail.subject
    NomExport = Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & FundType & " - " & mlSubj
    'Ici on vérifie le répertoire où l'enregistrer
    If Right(repertoire, 1) <> "\" Then repertoire = repertoire & "\"
    'Ici on supprime les caractères non autorisé dans les noms de fichiers
    PathNomExport = repertoire & Left(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace( _
                                                                                                                              NomExport, "\", ""), "/", ""), ":", ""), "*", ""), "?", ""), "<", ""), ">", ""), "|", ""), ".", "."), """", ""), vbTab, ""), Chr(7), ""), 160) & ".msg"
    'Ici on vérifie que le fichier n'existe pas déjà sinon il serait écrasé
    n = 1
    MemPath = PathNomExport
    While Dir(PathNomExport) <> ""
        'MsgBox "Le fichier " & vbCr & PathNomExport & vbCr & "existe déjà", vbInformation
        PathNomExport = Left(MemPath, Len(MemPath) - 4) & "(" & n & ")" & ".msg"
        n = n + 1
    MyMail.SaveAs PathNomExport, OlSaveAsType.olMSG
End Sub

Thanks Diana !

Not to break what is working but.... it's recommended that run a script rules only contain conditions, that all actions are in the script. Adding the move to action to the script isn't difficult. Additionally, it would be possible to move either recipient or sender to the script and using just one rule, one script. (Putting both in the script would mean you'd process all mail with the script - which could be slow if you get a lot of mail.)

Apply this rule after the message arrives
from "sender"
and sent to "recipient"
and with "xxxxxx" in the body
move it to "yyyyyyy" folder
and run Project1.rule_Tigaga

This is probably not the best example for your needs, but it shows one way to do it: Outlook AutoReplies: One script, many responses

In your case, I would probably use a Select Case
Select Case olmail.senderemailaddress
Case ""
FundType = "MC - Tigaga"
' if the path is always the same down to the last folder, you could just have the folder name here
' if the last folder is always the fund type, you don't this at all.
repertoire = "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\MC - Tigaga\"

Case ""
FundType = "MI"
repertoire = "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\MI\"

end select

if you just needed the fund type variable, you could set the path in the main macro like this:
repertoire = "H:\XXX\Incoming Mails\" & FundType & "\"
This is my version - the rule is running on all messages in my test mailbox (because it's a test mailbox and gets very little mail) and checking the sender address in the macro.

The beauty of this is one rule, one macro. You can easily add more funds as case statements without adding more rules.

If this part changes with each fundtype: H:\XXX\Incoming Mails, then the repertoire line goes in each case.

Sub SavMsgFundType(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
'Construction du nom de fichier sauvegardé
    dtDate = Mail.ReceivedTime
    mlSubj = Mail.Subject
    NomExport = Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & FundType & " - " & mlSubj
    'Ici on vérifie le répertoire où l'enregistrer
Select Case Mail.SenderEmailAddress
Case ""
FundType = "MC - Tigaga"

Case ""
FundType = "MI"

Case ""
FundType = "MC"

End Select
    repertoire = "C:\Users\Diane\Documents\Macro Test\" & FundType & "\"
    'Ici on supprime les caractères non autorisé dans les noms de fichiers
    PathNomExport = repertoire & Left(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace( _
                                                                                                                              NomExport, "\", ""), "/", ""), ":", ""), "*", ""), "?", ""), "<", ""), ">", ""), "|", ""), ".", "."), """", ""), vbTab, ""), Chr(7), ""), 160) & ".msg"
    'Ici on vérifie que le fichier n'existe pas déjà sinon il serait écrasé
    n = 1
    MemPath = PathNomExport
    While Dir(PathNomExport) <> ""
        'MsgBox "Le fichier " & vbCr & PathNomExport & vbCr & "existe déjà", vbInformation
        PathNomExport = Left(MemPath, Len(MemPath) - 4) & "(" & n & ")" & ".msg"
        n = n + 1
    Mail.SaveAs PathNomExport, OlSaveAsType.olMSG
End Sub
oops... i forgot the move message lines. (the rule can handle the words in the body part or it can be added to the macro.)

Add this at the end - it assumes the folder name = the fund name and it's under the Inbox (but it can use any folder, we'd just need to set the path). If the folder name is not the fund name or the path varies with each fund, set the folder name variable in the case statement. If it's always the same folder, use objFolder.Folders("folder name")

Set objFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set objDestFolder = objFolder.Folders(FundType)
Mail.Move objDestFolder

Sub SavMsgFundType(Mail As Outlook.MailItem)
'Construction du nom de fichier sauvegardé
    dtDate = Mail.ReceivedTime
    mlSubj = Mail.Subject
    NomExport = Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & Format(dtDate, "", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & FundType & " - " & mlSubj
    'Ici on vérifie le répertoire où l'enregistrer

Select Case Mail.SenderEmailAddress
Case ""
FundType = "MC - Tigaga"

Case ""
FundType = "MI"

Case ""
FundType = "MC"

End Select
    repertoire = "C:\Users\Diane\Documents\Macro Test\" & FundType & "\"
    'Ici on supprime les caractères non autorisé dans les noms de fichiers
    PathNomExport = repertoire & Left(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace( _
                                                                                                                              NomExport, "\", ""), "/", ""), ":", ""), "*", ""), "?", ""), "<", ""), ">", ""), "|", ""), ".", "."), """", ""), vbTab, ""), Chr(7), ""), 160) & ".msg"
    'Ici on vérifie que le fichier n'existe pas déjà sinon il serait écrasé
    n = 1
    MemPath = PathNomExport
    While Dir(PathNomExport) <> ""
        'MsgBox "Le fichier " & vbCr & PathNomExport & vbCr & "existe déjà", vbInformation
        PathNomExport = Left(MemPath, Len(MemPath) - 4) & "(" & n & ")" & ".msg"
        n = n + 1
    Mail.SaveAs PathNomExport, OlSaveAsType.olMSG
'Dim objFolder As Outlook.Folder
'Dim objDestFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set objFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set objDestFolder = objFolder.Folders(FundType)
Mail.Move objDestFolder

End Sub
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