Automatically update custom forms across multiple computers

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Cameron Piper

New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange

I am using Windows Outlook 2016 on a 64 bit PC and running Outlook exchange 365. I have a version of Outlook 2016 installed on a number of computers (home, office, assistant, laptop) and use all of them to function in Outlook (one of them is on a 32 bit PC). I use a custom form to keep track of contacts.

Is there a way for me to make a change to the custom form and have it automatically saved to all of the computers so that I am working with the most up to date form on each? Do I need to publish to a specific folder or location so that this works?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I dislike having to create an .fdm file and then having to install it on each computer every time a change is made.
Are you using one mailbox? if the form is published in a folder in the mailbox, updating the version # before publishing is all you need to do. otherwise, publishing to organizational forms library will work - just make sure you update the version number each time you publish updates.
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