Outlook 365 Switching from AOL to Yahoo automatically

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Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
I am a user with an x@verizon.net email account who started getting an error that Outlook (Microsoft 365) could not connect to the mail server (AOL). I looked at the Server Settings. Something had changed the imap.aol.com and smtp.aol.com to imap mail.yahoo.com and smtp.mail.yahoo.com. I tried switching these back to AOL, but every time I do a "Repair", the values change back to Yahoo.

I can manually login to aol.com with a browser and use the mail program in aol.com. The account is getting new email, and I can use it with no problems.

Does anyone know how to stop the server settings from switching back to Yahoo?

Many thanks
First - you probably need an app password.

Secondly, try changing the server names in the Control panel > Mail (Microsoft Outlook). If Outlook is open, you can also access this dialog from File > Account Settings > Manage Profiles. The server names stick better.

I'm not sure what is going on, but autodiscover is changing the server names- also check to make sure the outgoing port is correct - should be either 587/TLS or 465/SSL. I had a user earlier where it was changed to port 25. It's under More Settings > advanced.
First - you probably need an app password.

Secondly, try changing the server names in the Control panel > Mail (Microsoft Outlook). If Outlook is open, you can also access this dialog from File > Account Settings > Manage Profiles. The server names stick better.

I'm not sure what is going on, but autodiscover is changing the server names- also check to make sure the outgoing port is correct - should be either 587/TLS or 465/SSL. I had a user earlier where it was changed to port 25. It's under More Settings > advanced.
Many thanks Diane !!! You are a genius! I setup an App Password in AOL and pasted the password into Outlook, and like magic, everything started working again! Happy holidays and thanks for the help !!
I am having exactly the same problem; am a user with an x@verizon.net email account thru AOL mail. Switched last wk to new laptop with Windows 10, Outlook 20019 (64 bit) in order to retire my old Windows 7 laptop whose battery is no longer any good.
I also have an Android phone with AOL app on it from which I can access emails as well as the AOL web site to access my emails. On-line and phone work fine, haven't changed anything. The new PC is another matter. I should add my old laptop was set to POP3 settings.
I have spent days, 4 separate multiple hour Tech sessions with AOL technical support. My Outlook Email incoming & outgoing server settings keep reverting to imap.mail.yahoo.com & smtp.mail.yahoo.com. They keep typing in imap.aol.com and smtp.verizon.com and using app password. In the 3rd session they deleted the email acct in my Outlook and re-added it. That worked for roughly 6 hrs and then Outlook stopped receiving new emails and won't connect. The Outlook account settings reverted to mail.yahoo.com.
If I go into Server settings they are set to imap.aol.com and smtp.AOL.com (not verizon.net).
If I go into Manage Profiles tthey are set to imap.aol.com and smtp.AOL.com.
If I go into Control Panel, Mail (Outlook) they are set to imap.aol.com and smtp.AOL.com.
But none of these are stating mail.yahoo.com. I am not sure about the conflict in the outgoing server setting of verizon.net vs AOl.com, altought the tech person never picked up on this?
The 4th Tech support person today tried over-righting the yahoo.com server settings with map.aol.com and smtp.verizon.com and AP Password several times to no avail. I kept telling her that is what previous techs did and to keep doing the same thing wasn't accomplishing anything. I kept asking here where is the yahoo.com default coming from? Is there even a Yahoo mail server any longer? Is this something coming from the AOL IMAP server? Or some bug from the Verizon email migration from Yahoo mail to AOL mail (although that was several yrs ago). She couldn't answer and said Outlook is 3rd party application and to call MS Outlook for help, she couldn't do anymore. Said she has not come across this problem before. (Port #'s are correct).
My system attempts to Send/ Receive and the progress details sits there for hours to synchronize with my subscribed folders for z@verizon.net, but no new emails come in. Test messages are going out and can see them on my Phone app and online.
So here I am although I realize this is not MS officially
It's actually a very common problem. Try setting the account up manually in control panel - search for Mail (Microsoft Outlook). It usually sticks when you create the account there.

Yes, there are still yahoo servers. :)
It's actually a very common problem. Try setting the account up manually in control panel - search for Mail (Microsoft Outlook). It usually sticks when you create the account there.

Yes, there are still yahoo servers. :)
Hi Diane;
Yes I have done that and the other suggestions in this thread.
What is weird is that I receive new emails in "BULK" and "TRASH" folders but not in my Inbox. Also I can send emails so it is connecting. I am not seeing an Send/ Receive errors.
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