yahoo mail doesn't send or receive reliably

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Email Account
error messages 0X80040900 and 0X800CCC90 using outlook 2003

can anyone show an old and irritated old man how to fix this problem?
It's yahoo, so that might be the best you can do. :) Is that the invalid username/password message? Did it ever work, and if so, did it stop working in mid-December? Yahoo had some updates about that time.

From - the POP3 settings are

Incoming Mail Server:

Outgoing Mail Server:

User Name: Your Yahoo ID. You may need to use your full Yahoo email address.

Password: Your Yahoo password.

DO NOT enable Require logon using Secure Password Authentication

Click More Settings.

On the Outgoing Server tab, select My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication box and Use same settings as my incoming mail server.

Configure the server ports on the Advanced tab.

Incoming server (POP3) port: 995

Select This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)

Outgoing server (SMTP) port: 465, 587, or 25

Set the encryption type to SSL or TLS
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