How can I load a HTML template into the WordEditor?

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Hi there,

When making a reply to a message, I want to insert the contents of a template, which is in HTML format, before the original text. Can you suggest a way to to that please?

I'm thinking of loading the HTML file into a wdDoc in Outlook, then pasting it to the start of the active inspector's wdDoc, but I can't find the method to load the file.

I look at the free chapter 17 from Sue's Progamming Outlook book but it doesn't have all I need.

Thanks in advance,

- Alan.
Thanks. That seems too simple to be true... Will that really concatenate the HTML correctly? I thought that I'd have to parse the headers etc, that's why I was trying to go via a Word document object.

I'm putting this in a COM add-in so several users can share the templates. So QuickParts aren't an option.
Yes, it should. Obviously, the best way to know is to test with it the template you plan to use. I mostly only tested it with backgrounds for replies. I use a version for new messages to insert the newest html in a folder into a new message- that works great, but it's a new message so no reply text to get in the way.
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