VBA to move emails in folder to a windows folder

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Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
Hi All,

I believe someone must've done this at some time and its widely used. Would be very surprised if not!

I have set up various mail rules in Outlook 2016 32b to gather and funnel emails that are from specific suppliers I have accounts with, and drop them in a new folder in my inbox named DBTransfer.

I would like a script that would then transfer to my dropbox folder that is shared with my accountant and delete the emails.

The path to my dropbox folder is C:\Users\Kev\Dropbox\Accountant stuff\Online Purchases\General

I have used a script from Ron debruin? which worked, but I had trouble with it as it only moved attachments and didn't delete and had security issues.

I have made a self cert, and when I try to use it in the editor, outlook fails and restarts. Could anyone advise?

Also would be handy if this code was executed just after the send and receive process.

I could then leave it on auto running away for me.

Thanks in advance guys.

You want the same the message and any attachments as one or separately? I have a macro that may just need a few tweaks to do either as a run a script rule.

Ideally Diane, just the attachments would be fine, however there's a problem with PayPal and some others, in that they don't send an attachment, all of the invoice is just in the body of the email, so to keep it simple, I would choose the email and any attachments.

Thanks for your reply.
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