Hello all,
I have a second very weird observation. Using the code below, I loop over appointment items in my own default calendar. It's for a timesheet application.
Some of the appointments are recurring. I want to retrieve the location (and other properties) all appointments and fill it a listbox to count hours by location, ...
Now, here's the code:
If I ask for the Location property with MessageClass in commentary signs, I get the Location from the appointment master.
If I ask for the Location property with the MessageClass msgbox active, I get the Location from the appointment occurrence.
These 2 happen to be different. In both cases I get though:
oappt.RecurrenceState = olApptOccurrence
The EntryID of the appointment is exactly the same in both cases.
The fiRecurring argument means that the called function should include recurring apptm. items too.
It all works fine except for this change in property value.
What is going on here please ? Is there an implicit change once you ask for any property ?
Do I have to approach recurring items in a different way (==> please share code examples and I will work it out) ?
Puzzled... Thanks a lot !
I have a second very weird observation. Using the code below, I loop over appointment items in my own default calendar. It's for a timesheet application.
Some of the appointments are recurring. I want to retrieve the location (and other properties) all appointments and fill it a listbox to count hours by location, ...
Now, here's the code:
Private Sub btn_Count_Hits_Per_Item_Click()
Dim oFinalItems As Variant 'Outlook.Items
Dim oAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim sCategory As String
Dim sCategories As String
Dim sLocation As String
Set oFinalItems = Get_Appt_Items_In_Time_Range_Filtered(2018, 10, False, tbx_Start_Date.Text, tbx_End_Date.Text, fiRecurring)
If oFinalItems Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No appointments match the selections. Please amend.", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
For Each oAppt In oFinalItems
'MsgBox oAppt.MessageClass
sLocation = Trim(oAppt.Location)
End Sub
If I ask for the Location property with MessageClass in commentary signs, I get the Location from the appointment master.
If I ask for the Location property with the MessageClass msgbox active, I get the Location from the appointment occurrence.
These 2 happen to be different. In both cases I get though:
oappt.RecurrenceState = olApptOccurrence
The EntryID of the appointment is exactly the same in both cases.
The fiRecurring argument means that the called function should include recurring apptm. items too.
It all works fine except for this change in property value.
What is going on here please ? Is there an implicit change once you ask for any property ?
Do I have to approach recurring items in a different way (==> please share code examples and I will work it out) ?
Puzzled... Thanks a lot !