Set-up: Windows 7 Pro/Outlook 2010/Office 365 Exchange
Goal: I have a custom appointment form. We are heavy users of contact linking and have a number of contact folders. When we go to link a record, we have to navigate to the correct contact folder in order to select the contact record to link. I'd like to ease the process of creating the link by using a button that would display the items of a specific contact folder (Public Folder) in a window and allow the user to select the desired contact and have the link created in the appointment.
Any assistance in pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
I wasn't quite sure where to start, but have included what code I have so far.
Sub AddLink_Click()
Dim myOLApp
Dim myNS
Dim objAppt
Dim lnkfolder
Set myOLApp = CreateObject ("Outlook.Application")
Set myNS = myOLApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objAppt = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Set lnkfolder = myNS.GetFolderFromID("000000001A447390...240000")
'Display lnkfolder in window so desired contact can be selected
'Save contact link in objAppt
Set myOLApp = Nothing
Set myNS = Nothing
Set objAppt = Nothing
Set lnkfolder = Nothing
End Sub
Goal: I have a custom appointment form. We are heavy users of contact linking and have a number of contact folders. When we go to link a record, we have to navigate to the correct contact folder in order to select the contact record to link. I'd like to ease the process of creating the link by using a button that would display the items of a specific contact folder (Public Folder) in a window and allow the user to select the desired contact and have the link created in the appointment.
Any assistance in pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
I wasn't quite sure where to start, but have included what code I have so far.
Sub AddLink_Click()
Dim myOLApp
Dim myNS
Dim objAppt
Dim lnkfolder
Set myOLApp = CreateObject ("Outlook.Application")
Set myNS = myOLApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objAppt = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Set lnkfolder = myNS.GetFolderFromID("000000001A447390...240000")
'Display lnkfolder in window so desired contact can be selected
'Save contact link in objAppt
Set myOLApp = Nothing
Set myNS = Nothing
Set objAppt = Nothing
Set lnkfolder = Nothing
End Sub