Outlook Mobile app email order randomized and display names stripped

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
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I have been working on a problem with Microsoft and wanted to see if someone has seen this problem before. They have been nice and responsive but as of yet, unhelpful. This started as an Outlook problem but after much troubleshooting I found that the issue relates to the Android app. So I'll skip to what we know now. It's in two parts.

First off when one saves a contact in the Android app, the app strips the email display name and if there are multiple email addresses, randomizes the order. MS is looking into this now. I believe it to be a bug that only MS can fix.

The second part is strange. A few seemingly random times a day about 20 contacts are modified instantly. IE all the same modified date and time down to the minute. Per the first part, their order is randomized and the display names are stripped. But there is nothing apparently different besides that. This happens a couple times a day on average. They are nearly the same set of contacts each time.

I feel like some app on the phone is synchronizing it's contact list with Outlook and causing this. Annoyingly they often try to show the user a merged view. I suspect it's something like this. I've tried disabling Skype, WhatsApp, and SnapChat but it wasn't them. I'm going to see which others I can disable but I was wondering if anyone else knew of what could be causing the Outlook Android App to save a couple dozen contacts like I have described.
First off when one saves a contact in the Android app, the app strips the email display name and if there are multiple email addresses, randomizes the order. MS is looking into this now. I believe it to be a bug that only MS can fix.
This is a known issue.

The second part is strange. A few seemingly random times a day about 20 contacts are modified instantly. IE all the same modified date and time down to the minute. Per the first part, their order is randomized and the display names are stripped. But there is nothing apparently different besides that. This happens a couple times a day on average. They are nearly the same set of contacts each time.
Is there any similarities in the ones that are affected - no physical address, a specific field has data etc?
Thank you.
Can you point me to a KB about this known issue? Or anything can show my tech at MS?
I haven't been able to find any correlation between the set of contacts that are being modified and anything else. All sets have exceptions.
I've tried to trip anything on my phone to cause this but found nothing. This morning 32 contacts were corrupted. I checked all my accounts on my phone and one, Google, synchronized contacts at exactly that time. But I don't have any contacts in Gmail. I'm going to disable the sync for now and see if that stops the corruption.

Can someone please point me to any other posts that discuss this email order and display name corruption?
Can you point me to a KB about this known issue? Or anything can show my tech at MS?
I don't know if they wrote a KB on it - it should be fixed now. I'll see if i can find an article.
Thank you. It seems an MS tech should be able to find this but they have a lot of information to search though. If I could give him some other information besides my description it might help him discover a solution and possibly convince him I'm not the only one.
Were you able to find any other references to this? I have searched, but I can't seem to find search terms that will give me a narrow enough set of results. Can you suggest some better terms to search by? Sometimes know issues get a nickname.
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