How to display sender's name instead of email address in outlook 2013 message

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server 2013
I use outlook professional 2013 and there's an email group account PI_team <>. Me and my colleagues were set up to receive the mail when someone sends to this group mail. I have also Jira configured to send mails upon issues via mail server. Sender's email address is the When I got mail from the jira in my outlook I see the sender is PI_team. If I open the internet header of the message I see From: "Ivan Rodrigo (JIRA)" <>

I would like to see "Ivan Rodrigo (JIRA)" instead of "PI_team", and if I click on it to display the actual email address -> PI_team@mycompany. The perfect would be a rule that filters only the incoming mails from the PI_team.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

I would like to see "Ivan Rodrigo (JIRA)" instead of "PI_team",
that is not possible - best you could do is 'ivan sent on behalf of pl_team' format, if you have send on behalf permission.
The perfect would be a rule that filters only the incoming mails from the PI_team.
there is a rule condition for from address or group that should work.
Hi Diane,
Do you think it is possible to retrieve the sender's name from the internet headers with a rule "run a script" and to display it somehow? (instead of the name from the contact list - PI_team).
if the name is in the header or in a mapi property, yes, a run a script macro could grab it. you cant change the display name, but could add it to a new field or a category, follow up field (would show above the subject in the message, but would add a flag).
Hi Diane,
In your first reply you said " 'ivan sent on behalf of pl_team' format, if you have send on behalf permission". Ok, let's say somehow PI_team delegate access to me. The problem is that Jira sends mail via smtp server using fixed sender email address : Do you have any idea what to set up to receive mail from "ivan sent obo PI_team"?
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