Hello Diane,
few years ago we were in contact regarding the topic In-line reply style in Outlook. The VBA code works without any problems. Unfortunatelly, my company has started to add the caution banner into incomming e-mails from senders outside of the organization.
This causes following issue on all answered/forwarded messages:
Both information about sender and answer are bold, placed in the banner. It is possible to add prior to the banner (alternatively completely remove it) empty line which hopefully ensures that the header (sender´s information) and my reply will be placed outside of the banner in normal font?
Thank you for your answer in advance.
few years ago we were in contact regarding the topic In-line reply style in Outlook. The VBA code works without any problems. Unfortunatelly, my company has started to add the caution banner into incomming e-mails from senders outside of the organization.
This causes following issue on all answered/forwarded messages:
Both information about sender and answer are bold, placed in the banner. It is possible to add prior to the banner (alternatively completely remove it) empty line which hopefully ensures that the header (sender´s information) and my reply will be placed outside of the banner in normal font?
Thank you for your answer in advance.