Comparing external list of names to contact entries?

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I have a list of names in an external file. Right now, it's an excel 2003

spreadsheet with separate columns for first name and last name, but I can

just as easily put it into Access, Word, text/CSV, etc. Each name on the

list corresponds to a contact in Outlook -- or it might not (some don't

exist, and don't need to).

I need a script or program that will compare the names *OR* File As fields

of each contact in Outlook with the external list. It does not need to

search any field other the names fields. If it doesn't exist, it can move on

to the next one. But if a contact entry in Outlook DOES exist for that name,

I need it to move the contact to another Outlook contacts folder. Or, at the

very least, flag it or assign it to a category. Then I could always filter

on that flag or category and move all of them at once by hand.

I've been doing this manually, one by one, and I'm tired :) There's about

3,800 names to get through, and I'm only on 1,219--after several hours of

doing this.

Anyone have any suggestions on how this can be done more efficiently? Is

there a script or program that can do it? I'm very technically inclined

(used to program, but it's been years and am not familiar with Outlook's

object model), and don't mind something fairly complicated, but I desparately

need to find some way to do this more efficiently/automated.

You can start with this. Please see the 'set c= ...' line, you need to

complete that yourself. The VBA helpfile explains how to use the Find

function, and there's already an example for searching for the FileAs field.

sub compare()

dim xl as excel.application

dim wb as excel.workbook

dim ws as excel.worksheet

dim rn as excel.range

dim f1 as outlook.mapifolder

dim f2 as outlook.mapifolder

dim items as outlook.items

dim c as outlook.contactitem

set xl=getobject(,"excel.application")

set wb=xl.workbooks(1)

set ws=wb.sheets(1)

set rn=ws.range("a1")

' compare with this contacts

set f1=application.session.pickfolder

set items=f1.items

' move to this

set f2=application.session.pickfolder

while rn.value <> ""

' please complete this yourself...

set c=items.find(...)

if not c is nothing then c.move f2

' move on to the next excel row

set rn=rn.offset(1,0)


end sub

Best regards

Michael Bauer

Am Thu, 26 Mar 2009 10:44:17 -0700 schrieb Dan Trimble:

> I have a list of names in an external file. Right now, it's an excel 2003
> spreadsheet with separate columns for first name and last name, but I can
> just as easily put it into Access, Word, text/CSV, etc. Each name on the
> list corresponds to a contact in Outlook -- or it might not (some don't
> exist, and don't need to).

> I need a script or program that will compare the names *OR* File As fields
> of each contact in Outlook with the external list. It does not need to
> search any field other the names fields. If it doesn't exist, it can move

> to the next one. But if a contact entry in Outlook DOES exist for that

> I need it to move the contact to another Outlook contacts folder. Or, at

> very least, flag it or assign it to a category. Then I could always

> on that flag or category and move all of them at once by hand.

> I've been doing this manually, one by one, and I'm tired :) There's about
> 3,800 names to get through, and I'm only on 1,219--after several hours of
> doing this.

> Anyone have any suggestions on how this can be done more efficiently? Is
> there a script or program that can do it? I'm very technically inclined
> (used to program, but it's been years and am not familiar with Outlook's
> object model), and don't mind something fairly complicated, but I

> need to find some way to do this more efficiently/automated.

> Dan
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