Checking Sender Email Address for trusted domain from list on intranet

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Outlook version
Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
My company has a list of "Trusted" domains that we are allowed to open links and attachments when we receive emails from these domains. If the email comes from outside our company, it is automatically get a highlighted phrase added to the body of the email to let us know it is from an outside source, but it also does this for the emails that come from the "Trusted" domains.
The "Trusted" domains are listed on our company's intranet. I would like to grab the domain of the sender's email address and then search the internal web page to see if the domain is found on that page and if it is, add a category to the email as "Trusted".

I'm not a great coder and primarily just hack through examples that I find on the web, but I haven't been able to find anything that does all of these things for me.

This is what I have so far.

Sub GoToEdge()
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim senderaddress As String
Dim senderdomain As String
Dim addresslen As Integer

' Sender E=mail Address
senderaddress = objItem.SenderEmailAddress

'Searches for @ in the email address and gets the domain
addresslen = Len(senderaddress)
senderdomain = Right(senderaddress, addresslen - InStr(senderaddress, "@"))

'open website'
CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute "microsoft-edge:"

'search page for senderdomain'
End Sub

Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
How often does the list change? Saving the list as a text file and testing against the file would be easier ((IMHO) than pulling the webpage... but it is possible. Works best if the list is structured so you can look for a value - class name, div name etc.

I use this function

Private Function HttpOpen(ByVal strArgURL As String, Optional ByVal strArgMethod As String)
       If Not Len(strArgMethod) > 0 Then strArgMethod = "GET" Else strArgMethod = UCase(strArgMethod)
    Dim oHttp As Object
    Dim strX As String
    Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp")
        With oHttp
            .Open strArgMethod, strArgURL, False
            .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            .send (strArgURL)
            strX = .responseText
        End With
    HttpOpen = strX
End Function

To look for the value in an element identified by a CSS class - in my example, I read it into a spreadsheet, but you could load it into an array or write it to a file - if you write to a text you could run a separate macro every day to replace the text file. The read the text file using your macro above.

Set objHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objHttp.Open "GET", "", False
objHttp.send ""

Title = ""
Title = objHttp.responseText

Set doc = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
    doc.Body.innerHTML = HttpOpen( "", "GET")
i = 1
Range(useCol & newrow).Value = Now
For Each aEle In doc.getElementsByClassName("user-profile-stats-num-item")
Range(useCol & newrow).Offset(, i).Value = aEle.innerText
i = i + 1
If i = 4 Then GoTo NextCell

How often does the list change? Saving the list as a text file and testing against the file would be easier ((IMHO) than pulling the webpage... but it is possible. Works best if the list is structured so you can look for a value - class name, div name etc.

Thank you for your quick response. TBH, I'm not sure how often the list gets updated. I like the approach you have from above. Coming at it from that angle, I don't think we really care about the excess information that is provided with the domain such as the company it belongs to and the reason why we use it, etc. We really only care to read the web page and pull out all of the domains that are listed on the page. I really like your approach because we could easily read the webpage and create the list, then search the list in a much more structured way.

Am I on the right track for pulling the domain from the email address in the mail item?
I was thinking that I could simplify it and just create a macro that would be assigned to a button, then I click the button when I am on the mail item to go and check if it is safe or not. I could skip any automation of adding a category and everything.
'Searches for @ in the email address and gets the domain
addresslen = Len(senderaddress)
senderdomain = Right(senderaddress, addresslen - InStr(senderaddress, "@"))

At most it might get 1 character too much or two little, but yeah, its correct.

And yes, you could run the macro manually on the messages.

Look at the HTML source in the web page - if the domains have css classes or other structure, it will be easy to pull them out. If it's basically one big paragraph, it will be harder.
'Searches for @ in the email address and gets the domain
addresslen = Len(senderaddress)
senderdomain = Right(senderaddress, addresslen - InStr(senderaddress, "@"))

At most it might get 1 character too much or two little, but yeah, its correct.

And yes, you could run the macro manually on the messages.

Look at the HTML source in the web page - if the domains have css classes or other structure, it will be easy to pull them out. If it's basically one big paragraph, it will be harder.

The web page that has the list has the data stored in a Table, so it does have the basic structure as follows:

There are 5 columns in the table and I want the information in the 2nd column.

I've tried to pull the information out and I got pretty close, but am not successful yet, using your snippets.
Thanks again for your assistance.
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