Outlook Unable to open

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here is the exact message I get when I try to open Outlook:

cannot start microsoft office outlook. cannot open the outlook window. the

set of folders cannot be opened. errors have been detected in the file

c:\documents and settings\darren casper\local settings\application

data\microsoft\outlook\outlook.pst. quit outlook and all mail-enabled

applications, and then use the inbox repair tool (scanpst.exe) to diagnose

adn repair errors in the file. for more information about the inbox repair

tool, see help. after i ran this file (scanpst.exe) another error came and

said this application has failed to start because scnpst32.dll was not found.

re installing the application may fix this problem. I had just reinstalled

Office 2007 before i did these. What can I do to fix these corrupted files?
scnpst32.dll would normally be located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft


You've checked?

Did you run Office Diagnostics? an uninstall/reinstall will do nothing for a

damaged Profile or Data File

"dcasper" <dcasper> wrote in message

> here is the exact message I get when I try to open Outlook:
> cannot start microsoft office outlook. cannot open the outlook window. the
> set of folders cannot be opened. errors have been detected in the file
> c:\documents and settings\darren casper\local settings\application
> data\microsoft\outlook\outlook.pst. quit outlook and all mail-enabled
> applications, and then use the inbox repair tool (scanpst.exe) to diagnose
> adn repair errors in the file. for more information about the inbox
> repair
> tool, see help. after i ran this file (scanpst.exe) another error came
> and
> said this application has failed to start because scnpst32.dll was not
> found.
> re installing the application may fix this problem. I had just
> reinstalled
> Office 2007 before i did these. What can I do to fix these corrupted
> files?

Are you sure your pst files was all right? if not, you can try a tool

called Advanced Outlook Repair. You can download a free demo version

at http://www.datanumen.com/aor/aor.exe . I think it is a useful

repair tool for you. It is easy to recover your PST file by using its

wizard. It is a powerful tool to recover messages, folders and other

objects from corrupt or damaged Microsoft Outlook PST files.

Detailed information about Advanced Outlook Repair can be found at


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