Variable Attachments in CDO/OL2K7?

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Greetings, geniuses.

I have a standard CDO send sub that works just dandy, except for one

small detail.

For each email there will be a variable amount of attachments -

anywhere from 1 to maybe 15 tops.

In the .With statement, I have this (all required statements beforehand

are present. I'm just omitting them here for space's sake.):


'looped for each email sent

With iMsg

Set .Configuration = iConf

> To = EML 'email address from database

> CC = ""

> BCC = ""

> From = ""

> Subject = Subj 'defined in the db

> TextBody = strbody 'defined in the db

> AddAttachment (Atch1) 'AHA!! Here's the rub!!

> Send

End With


How may I:

a) Loop around the .AddAttachment statement to add the required attachments, or

b) define a variable that would contain the necessary attachment values (Atch1), and have the statement needed only once, and

c) which is best or does it matter?

I've seen solutions for non-CDO programs and earlier OL versions but I'm wary since what I'm doing is different, and spending 2 or 3 hours trying to force something that won't work anyway is demoralizing.

Please ask for whatever additional and needed items I have mindlessly omitted, and thanks in advance!!!

Whereever you get the filenames of the attachments from, loop through it,

for instance with:

for i=1 to count

> ...


Best regards

Michael Bauer

Am Wed, 24 Feb 2010 22:05:12 +0000 schrieb corquando:

> Greetings, geniuses.

> I have a standard CDO send sub that works just dandy, except for one
> small detail.

> For each email there will be a variable amount of attachments -
> anywhere from 1 to maybe 15 tops.

> In the .With statement, I have this (all required statements beforehand
> are present. I'm just omitting them here for space's sake.):

> Code:
> ------------------
> 'looped for each email sent

> With iMsg
> Set .Configuration = iConf
> .To = EML 'email address from database
> .CC = ""
> .BCC = ""
> .From = ""
> .Subject = Subj 'defined in the db
> .TextBody = strbody 'defined in the db
> .AddAttachment (Atch1) 'AHA!! Here's the rub!!
> .Send
> End With

> [\code]

> How may I:

> a) Loop around the .AddAttachment statement to add the required

attachments, or
> b) define a variable that would contain the necessary attachment values

(Atch1), and have the statement needed only once, and
> c) which is best or does it matter?

> I've seen solutions for non-CDO programs and earlier OL versions but I'm

wary since what I'm doing is different, and spending 2 or 3 hours trying to

force something that won't work anyway is demoralizing.

> Please ask for whatever additional and needed items I have mindlessly

omitted, and thanks in advance!!!
'Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook Wrote:
> ;341979']Whereever you get the filenames of the attachments from, loop
> through it,
> for instance with:

> for i=1 to count
> ....
> next

> > Best regards
> Michael Bauer


> Herr Bauer:

> Vielen dank fur die Hilfe . . .

> And it accomplished the attaching quite well. The next issue, though,
> and it should be simple (I just don't know where to look) is to clear
> the Atch1 variable so I don't accumulate attachments on each successive
> send:
> >


> >

> For i = 2 To z
> If Range("A" + CStr(i)) = "" Then GoTo 27
> Subj = Range("C" + CStr(i))
> EML = Range("E" + CStr(i))
> ID = Range("B" + CStr(i))
> Call TextBody(i, strbody)
> y = 0
> With iMsg
> Set .Configuration = iConf
> .To = EML
> .CC = ""
> .BCC = ""
> .From = ""
> .Subject = Subj
> .TextBody = strbody
> Do While Range("B" + CStr(i + y)) = ID
> DocName = Range("D" + CStr(i + y))
> Atch1 = "C:\Huge\Medium\Small\" + DocName + ".pdf"
> .AddAttachment (Atch1): y = y + 1
> Loop
> .Send
> End With
> 27 Next

> [\code]

> Each successive email has all the attachments that previous emails have had plus the new ones. I am sure it's an elementary command, but CDO statement catalogs are hard to come by.

> And I know it's simple - I'm good at simple.

> Noch einmal danke sehr.

The variable is cleared, or overwritten respectively, automatically as soon

as you write the next file name into it. However, atch1="" will also do it.

Best regards

Michael Bauer

Am Fri, 26 Feb 2010 21:39:48 +0000 schrieb corquando:

> 'Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook Wrote:
> > ;341979']Whereever you get the filenames of the attachments from, loop
> > through it,
> > for instance with:

>> for i=1 to count
> > ....
> > next

>> > > Best regards
> > Michael Bauer
> >

> >

>> Herr Bauer:

>> Vielen dank fur die Hilfe . . .

>> And it accomplished the attaching quite well. The next issue, though,
> > and it should be simple (I just don't know where to look) is to clear
> > the Atch1 variable so I don't accumulate attachments on each successive
> > send:
> >
> >>

> Code:
> --------------------
> > >

> > For i = 2 To z
> > If Range("A" + CStr(i)) = "" Then GoTo 27
> > Subj = Range("C" + CStr(i))
> > EML = Range("E" + CStr(i))
> > ID = Range("B" + CStr(i))
> > Call TextBody(i, strbody)
> > y = 0
> > With iMsg
> > Set .Configuration = iConf
> > .To = EML
> > .CC = ""
> > .BCC = ""
> > .From = ""
> > .Subject = Subj
> > .TextBody = strbody
> > Do While Range("B" + CStr(i + y)) = ID
> > DocName = Range("D" + CStr(i + y))
> > Atch1 = "C:\Huge\Medium\Small\" + DocName + ".pdf"
> > .AddAttachment (Atch1): y = y + 1
> > Loop
> > .Send
> > End With
> > 27 Next

> > [\code]

> > Each successive email has all the attachments that previous emails

have had plus the new ones. I am sure it's an elementary command, but CDO

statement catalogs are hard to come by.

> > And I know it's simple - I'm good at simple.

> > Noch einmal danke sehr.
Alrighty, then . . .

I'd tried that, but it still 'stacked up' the attachments; then I

noticed that I had only one CDO session opened, and was looping through

the records within that one session. Evidently the session was

remembering the attachments and sending them as they piled up.

What I finally did (using the 'Atch="" ' command) was to loop through

the records, opening and then closing a CDO session for each email. It

still went just as fast, so evidently that's acceptable.

Thanks and best regards!

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