Rule to move attachments with specific name

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
Please can someone assist me with VBA Code to create a rule for outlook to move all emails with the attachment name "SALESINVOICE" to a sub folder in my Inbox Called "Invoices". It is a pop account. Thank you.
The macros on Use VBA to move messages with attachments comes close to what you need - the first runs in a rule, the second checks every message that is added to the folder.

This checks for the filetype - you'll need to change it to check the filename
For i = attCount To 1 Step -1
      strFile = Item.Attachments.Item(i).FileName
      sFileType = LCase$(Right$(strFile, 4))
    Select Case sFileType
        Case ".pdf", ".doc", "docx"
    ' do something if the file types are found 
    ' this code moves the message
      Item.Move (Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Invoices"))
   ' stop checking if a match is found and exit sub
       GoTo endsub
      End Select
  Next i

This should work but i didn't test it. I don't guarantee its error free. :) if SALESINVOICE will always be upper case, you can use it, but if the case can vary, you need to convert the subject to lower caser (or upper case) when checking. I prefer to use lcase: if instr(lcase(strfile), "salesinvoice") > 0 then

For i = attCount To 1 Step -1
      strFile = Item.Attachments.Item(i).FileName
if instr(strfile, "SALESINVOICE") > 0 then 
    ' do something if the file types are found 
    ' this code moves the message
      Item.Move (Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Invoices"))
   ' stop checking if a match is found and exit sub
       GoTo endsub
end if
  Next i
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