New Member
- Outlook version
- Outlook 2016 32 bit
- Email Account
- Exchange Server
I have adjusted windows registry to block certain attachments (xls, doc, xlsm, docm), so users won't accidentally, on auto pilot, execute an attachment, potentially harboring a malware. For those who are unaware, files carrying those extensions, can contain macro vba code. In my opinion, there's no reason to be using those formats via email.
With the registry block in place, the user sees the email has an attachment, but the contents of the message, prohibits user from accessing the attachment; instead a message is presented stating the attachment has been blocked.
This approach to blocking is effective, but, would like to be able to download these attachments to a folder. I had hoped to create a vba add-in, allowing user to see the blocking occur, but still allow them to download safely with my add-in; my add-in would save these attachments to a folder on the desktop, and open them via 'sandboxie' application; the 'sandboxie' application, basically allows you to open suspect, quarantined items, in a closed environment, that is scrapped as soon as you close the window; preventing any changes to the computer. I want to do this because, the users still have a need for viewing the content of these potentially harmful attachments, as some of them will be legitimate.
I realize, the windows registry is configured to block these attachments via the outlook user interface, but know the attachments are still physically present, in the outlook mail store (unblocking via windows registry returns access to these attachments).
The following code, downloads the attachments from the email message in focus; can anybody think of away to alter my code, so it can see blocked attachments. Currently, with blocking enabled, it does not see the attachments.
With the registry block in place, the user sees the email has an attachment, but the contents of the message, prohibits user from accessing the attachment; instead a message is presented stating the attachment has been blocked.
This approach to blocking is effective, but, would like to be able to download these attachments to a folder. I had hoped to create a vba add-in, allowing user to see the blocking occur, but still allow them to download safely with my add-in; my add-in would save these attachments to a folder on the desktop, and open them via 'sandboxie' application; the 'sandboxie' application, basically allows you to open suspect, quarantined items, in a closed environment, that is scrapped as soon as you close the window; preventing any changes to the computer. I want to do this because, the users still have a need for viewing the content of these potentially harmful attachments, as some of them will be legitimate.
I realize, the windows registry is configured to block these attachments via the outlook user interface, but know the attachments are still physically present, in the outlook mail store (unblocking via windows registry returns access to these attachments).
The following code, downloads the attachments from the email message in focus; can anybody think of away to alter my code, so it can see blocked attachments. Currently, with blocking enabled, it does not see the attachments.
Public Sub saveAttachtoDisk()
Dim objAtt As Outlook.Attachment
Dim olMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strDate As String
Dim strName As String
Dim saveFolder As String
Dim saveSubFolder As String
Dim x As Long
saveFolder = Environ("userprofile") & "\desktop\BlockedAttachments\"
On Error Resume Next
'detect folder
x = GetAttr(saveFolder)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MkDir saveFolder
End If
saveSubFolder = saveFolder & Month(Date) & "-" & Day(Date) & "-" & Year(Date) & "\"
'detect folder
x = GetAttr(saveSubFolder)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MkDir saveSubFolder
End If
Set olMsg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
For Each objAtt In olMsg.Attachments
objAtt.SaveAsFile saveSubFolder & objAtt.FileName
Next objAtt
Set objAtt = Nothing
Set olMsg = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub