Re: Email Forwarding

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Hello Ken,

may be you could help me with similar Issue i think i can not handle easily.

I am not sure which way to go on incoming email and specific text in subject.

i see i have two options. On incoming email with text in Subject either run

script or make auto reply directly in outlook. What i am looking for is to

take a piece subject of email i got and repost it.

The incoming email subject looks like "Service call 10745707 has been

assigned to you."

What i would like to do is to reply to this emial like:

_send to:

_subject: update 10745707

_Body: status=In Progress

I also though i could run a script on this like start application excel,

data to columns and then the code for send email. Anyway this looks to me

kinda to complicated and also when running this script my pc must be always


Could you please help me with this issue?

Thank you in advance

Best regards


> Something like this, although this has no real error handling and needs to
> be tweaked so there's no possibility of an endless loop. This code would go
> into the ThisOutlookSession class module in the Outlook VBA project.

> You would of course have to sign the project or lower macro security to have
> it run.

> Private Sub Application_NewMailEx(ByVal EntryIDCollection As String)
> Dim aID() As String
> Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
> Dim oFwd As Outlook.MailItem
> Dim oNS As Outlook.NameSpace
> Dim oRecip As Outlook.Recipient
> Dim obj As Object
> Dim i As Long
> Dim sBody As String

> Const SEARCH_FOR As String = "Foobar"
> Const SEARCH_ADDY As String = ""
> Const FORWARD_TO As String = ""

> Set oNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")

> On Error Resume Next

> aID = Split(EntryIDCollection, ",")
> For i = LBound(aID) To UBound(aID)
> Set obj = oNS.GetItemFromID(aID(i))
> If obj.Class = olMail Then
> Set oMail = obj
> sBody = oMail.Body
> If ((InStr(1, sBody, SEARCH_FOR, vbTextCompare) > 0) And _
> (oMail.SenderEmailAddress = SEARCH_ADDY)) Then

> Set oFwd = oMail.Forward
> Set oRecip = oFwd.Recipients.Add(FORWARD_TO)
> oRecip.Resolve
> If oRecip.Resolved Then
> oFwd.Send
> End If

> End If
> End If

> Set oMail = Nothing
> Set oFwd = Nothing
> Set oRecip = Nothing
> Set obj = Nothing
> Next

> Set oNS = Nothing
> End Sub

> >


> "TerryM" <TerryM> wrote in message
> > That's more of what I was looking for, but like I stated before. I'm
> > relatively new to VBA programming especially in Outlook. Were more of a
> > Delphi place, what would the code that I'm requiring look like?

Please do not hijack other people's threads. What you are asking has nothing

to do with this thread.

If you want code to run obviously your computer must be running.

You can use an ItemAdd() handler or a NewMailEx() handler in the Outlook VBA

project and get the properties you want from the incoming item and use

Application.CreateItem(olMail) to create a new email. You can then populate

that item, say it's oMail as desired: oMail.Subject = "whatever",

oMail.Recipients.Add(""), oMail.Body = "status=In Progress",

etc. You can then call Send() on the item to send it out.

"Tomas" <Tomas> wrote in message
> Hello Ken,
> may be you could help me with similar Issue i think i can not handle
> easily.
> I am not sure which way to go on incoming email and specific text in
> subject.

> i see i have two options. On incoming email with text in Subject either
> run
> script or make auto reply directly in outlook. What i am looking for is to
> take a piece subject of email i got and repost it.

> The incoming email subject looks like "Service call 10745707 has been
> assigned to you."

> What i would like to do is to reply to this emial like:
> _send to:
> _subject: update 10745707
> _Body: status=In Progress

> I also though i could run a script on this like start application excel,
> data to columns and then the code for send email. Anyway this looks to me
> kinda to complicated and also when running this script my pc must be
> always
> on.

> Could you please help me with this issue?
> Thank you in advance
> Best regards
> Tomas
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