Strange Behaviour of Explorer Object.

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Since I can;t Post images here. Please refer to following url for Image.

In Explorer DeActivate Event i am calling This.Application.ActiveExplorer().

It does not return null, but if i query its Selection Property it throws an


I am surprize to see that for other properties there is no exception

generated. (as seen in image)

Why is this behaviour, I don;t understand. is it because of poor outlook API?

The Details of error is.

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException occurred

Message="The Explorer has been closed and cannot be used for further

operations. Review your code and restart Outlook."

Source="Microsoft Office Outlook"



at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ExplorerClass.get_Selection()



p_currentMailItem) in D:\2009Trainings\outlookTest\ThisAddIn.cs:line 242


Please advice.

The state of ActiveExplorer() during Deactivate() is going to be

indeterminate. Why do you need the Selection collection then?

Why not on Activate() and then handling selection changes in the

SelectionChange() event?

Or you can get a handle to that specific Explorer on Activate() and use that

instead of ActiveExplorer().

"JIGNESH" <JIGNESH> wrote in message
> Since I can;t Post images here. Please refer to following url for Image.

> In Explorer DeActivate Event i am calling
> This.Application.ActiveExplorer().
> It does not return null, but if i query its Selection Property it throws
> an
> exception.

> I am surprize to see that for other properties there is no exception
> generated. (as seen in image)

> Why is this behaviour, I don;t understand. is it because of poor outlook
> API?

> The Details of error is.
> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException occurred
> Message="The Explorer has been closed and cannot be used for further
> operations. Review your code and restart Outlook."
> Source="Microsoft Office Outlook"
> ErrorCode=-624820215
> StackTrace:
> at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ExplorerClass.get_Selection()
> at
> OutlookAddIn3.ThisAddIn.wrappedExplorer_ExplorerDeActivate(MailItem
> p_currentMailItem) in D:\2009Trainings\outlookTest\ThisAddIn.cs:line 242
> InnerException:

> Please advice.

> Regards

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