strange change in Outlook 2000 forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Buckeyegator
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We have been using Exchange 2003 and various releases of Office

> ....2000, 2003, and 2007. We have a few forms in our organizational

forms library that we use for vacation requests and other company

requests. All have been working fine. All use macros. All of a sudden

ONE (The CEO) user is getting a popup asking him to enable or disable

macros. This has never happened before and he is not exactly happy. He

is running Office 2000. He seems to be the only user this is happening

to, but since he barks the loudest and signs my paycheck, I need to fix

this fast. I have tried changing his macro security level to low, but

this does nothing.

Any help?



The warning message is inaccurate and confusing, because custom forms never

use macros, which is a feature of VBA. Custom forms use VBScript code and are

not affected by VBA macro security.

Check to make sure that the form is published with the "Send form definition

with item" box on the (Properties) page unchecked.

Sue Mosher

"Buckeyegator" wrote:

> We have been using Exchange 2003 and various releases of Office
> .....2000, 2003, and 2007. We have a few forms in our organizational
> forms library that we use for vacation requests and other company
> requests. All have been working fine. All use macros. All of a sudden
> ONE (The CEO) user is getting a popup asking him to enable or disable
> macros. This has never happened before and he is not exactly happy. He
> is running Office 2000. He seems to be the only user this is happening
> to, but since he barks the loudest and signs my paycheck, I need to fix
> this fast. I have tried changing his macro security level to low, but
> this does nothing.

> Any help?

> Thanks,
> Terry

> > Buckeyegator
> .
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