Custom Forms for Emails

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Outlook version
Email Account
I have the most vexing problem and maybe I am missing something; but an intensive google search has not given any results. So I need to address myself to the experts ::))

Here is the situation:

Some time ago, I created and published a simple custom form for Email; not realizing that it wasn't really necessary. Now, however, when I want to take it away from its location (Personal Forms Library) I no longer can forward or reply to mails without getting the message "The form you selected could not be displayed". The reason I want to delete this custom form is the email account that is associated with it which overwrites the definition under 'Tools, E-mail accounts' so that no matter which EMail account if want as the default, I always get the one from this form.

I therefore figure I need to find a way to disassociate this form but have not found the means to do this (I tried both the DocMessageClass and FormSwap utilities; but to no avail).

Any ideas? Appreciate your help !
Thanks for the prompt reply ! Yes, the form cache was among the first things I tried but it did not solve the problem. As said before, I'm working on this for a while and so far the only thing I've come up with is to republish the form with the account that I have designated to be the default under 'Tools, Email accounts'. But it is not a very elegant solution.

I should have hoped that there is a way to "extricate" as it were a given custom form so that the system no longer needs it ....
Did you uninstall it? (using forms manager)

Did you set it as the default for replies and forward? I'm not even sure if that was possible to do, but it sounds like what happened.
Well, that's the whole point. Wehn I uninstall - that is: delete - the form I can no longer reply or forward. And if I reinstall - that is republish - it, it reverts back to the default account that is defined by it.

Clearly, there must be a link somewhere so that Outlook looks for that form when replying and forwarding (but not when creating a new mail). And if I knew how that link or association came about I probably could now undo it. But I'm not aware of making it the default for anything nor do I think that is is possible
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