Can you have Outlook automatically accept Tasks for you?

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Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
I there a way when a task is sent to you that you can automatically accept it if you are not at your desk but outlook is running? When using an ipad I am missing tasks being sent to me when I am not in the office. Task do not show up as email on the ipad. If I have a task that I have accepted it will show up in my task list but not ones that I have not accepted yet.
There is a not a native feature, but if Outlook is running 24/7, you could use VBA. It's also possible to use a script to process the requests every few hours or days, using Task Scheduler, assuming you have permissions to configure scripts in Scheduled Tasks. I have a code sample here, I just need to test it.
I do have permissions in scripts. I would like to have it check every hour or less. Thanks would be great. Thanks!
Hello - I have the same need to auto accept tasks that are assigned to me. I do have the permissions to run VB script. Could I get a copy of the script mentioned above by Diane Poremsky? thank you!
The code sample I was referring to isn't working. I'll see if I can find one that works.
Thank you Diane, for looking into this! We're a small business and we'd like to implement this script for 5 employees. We assign tasks all day long, and don't want employees to have to "accept" each task via email. We'd much prefer that the task just show up on everyone's task list. We have some technical expertise here, so hopefully we can implement your concept without too much trouble. Thanks again, Tami
If you don't need Assigned tasks and "normal" tasks will do, you can open the task folder and create them right on the task list if you have the right permissions with Exchange mailboxes.
If you don't need Assigned tasks and "normal" tasks will do, you can open the task folder and create them right on the task list if you have the right permissions with Exchange mailboxes.

Thank you - that's a good thought. We'd like to use the "assigned task" functionality of possible (progress reports, assigning to more than 1 person, etc). But if can't figure out how to automatically accept tasks, we may revisit your idea of just opening up permissions to all the task folders.
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