How can I easily identify and delete from my contacts defunct email addresses?

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
How can I easily identify and delete from my contacts defunct email addresses? I have tried the add-in Actual Contacts from MapiLab but am finding that my Comcast ISP no longer uses port 25 and that seems to be the only port Actual Contacts uses to send emails. The folks at MAPILab are looking into a possible fix but I want to ask if anyone knows of another method/add-in, program. I would prefer something that would not only identify the non-working email addresses but also delete them from the contacts. Any ideas?

I'm using Outlook 2013. Thanks.
Re: How can I easily identify and delete from my contacts defunct email addres

There used to be several that did this sort of thing but many were web services and fell out of favor - they were annoying and people didn't like their addresses in the hands of 3rd parties.

looks like only Plaxo and actual contacts are on my list -
I'm checking out Plaxo to see if it will work for my needs. At $5/month for the Premium service (required for Outlook PC users) and $7/month for the Personal Assistant that automates the process of updating contact info (beyond just the email) this could be a very cost effective use of resources if it can work with my thousands of contacts in a seamless manner. If it can I will let this thread know.
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