Two Contact folders into one

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
I went to Outlook 365 now I have two contact folders. I would like to do the following. Combine the two folders into one back up file. Then I would like to reassign the back up into one of the existing contact folders. And delete to other one. I can create a new contact folder but the system will not let me delete either of the existing folders. I suspect it is because the are linked to the one or more of my email addresses. Can anyone help me to understand the file higher architecture and how these files work together? Thanks for readers nf this thread!
Are the accounts POP3, IMAP or If the first two, you can get rid of extra folders as long as they aren't set as the default data file. If they are and Exchange accounts you are stuck with the default folders.
Thank you Diane! I know all my email addresses are IMAP as that is what Comcast went to some time last year. In both contact folders if you right click on them the delete function is grayed out. If I can't delete one of them is there a way I can keep them in sync? Without having to enter information twice. Which brings me back to if Outlook is set up to use a file why can't it draw from the same file? Also one says Contacts-Personal folders the other says Contacts 1 this computer only. Does that shed any light on what the problem might be?
It sounds like the imap folder with the 'this computer only' folders is or was set as default. Set the personal folders pst as default then close outlook and delete the imap data file. (Make sure the this computer only folders are empty first). Outlook will recreate it and resync without the special folders.

Set the default in File, Account Settings, Data File tab - then select the imap data file and click open folder location. close outlook then delete the file and restart outlook.
Good Morning Diane. First I backed up the content of both files. Then I changed the default to personal folders.pst. Where do I find the imap data file? I did a search and it didn't come up.
one of two ways: in outlook, right click on the email address in the navigation pane and choose open file location - this opens Windows Explorer to the folder where the data file is and selected it. Close Outlook and delete the file.

The other way is in file, account settings, data files tab. Select the file for the email address and click the open folder button - close the dialogs then close outlook and delete the file.
Do I do this for each of the email addresses? The files it found are listed as (email address) are those the files I'm looking for? I have a total of four email addresses. Two I use for business one for personal email one as a junk trap. Thank you for your help.
You need to do it for the accounts that have the 'Contacts (This computer only)' folders. For most people, its just one account - the first they added. if you changing default data files to other imap accounts, then each one that was default will have the this computer only folders. (Sync issues folder will be tagged with this computer only in each data file - it doesn't count. Only the Calendar, contacts, tasks, etc)
Good Morning Diane! Thank you I have managed to remove the contacts1 folder from the contacts page per your instructions. How can I add the contacts from the previous Contacts 1 folder to the remaining Contacts? If I do an import I recreate the folder Contacts 1.
Hi Diane, just wanted to post a thanks to ya for your help!
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