Several questions regarding Outlook 2013

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Rupert Dragwater

Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
I've several questions regarding Outlook 2013. One is, when I reboot the computer, Outlook will automatically come up on its own. I've noticed when I shut it down and if I hurdle over to Taskmanager, under Details, Outlook is still up and running. Is there then a way when I shut Outlook down, it can be completely closed out so when I reboot the machine, it does not automatically pop up on its own.
Second question: I've been noticing when I download mail (I have this set to download every minute) nothing shows up at times but when I click on a particular email address, then the mail will suddenly show up. I've not noticed this before till as of late. This is a gmail account.
Third question: When I start Outlook, another email address pops up at the top of the screen, asking me for the Password. If I cancel it, it works ok. But I'm wondering why that particular address pops up. It's an address. I've done a repair on this but it made no changes.
Maybe I should have kept my questions down to 2. Sorry to have stuck the whole lot of ya's!
Nah... 3 is find I've just been busy and didn't get an email notice for your message.

One is, when I reboot the computer, Outlook will automatically come up on its own. I've noticed when I shut it down and if I hurdle over to Taskmanager, under Details, Outlook is still up and running. Is there then a way when I shut Outlook down, it can be completely closed out so when I reboot the machine, it does not automatically pop up on its own.
This is on windows 10? It's either a bug or a feature. :) Unless they build the switch into windows (i think its working in the insider builds now), you can use a shortcut to close windows - %WINDIR%\system32\shutdown.exe /s /hybrid /t 0.
Outlook automatically opens when the computer boots

I've been noticing when I download mail (I have this set to download every minute) nothing shows up at times but when I click on a particular email address, then the mail will suddenly show up. I've not noticed this before till as of late. This is a gmail account.
1 minute is too frequent. Set it to 5 minutes. Do you have it configured as pop or imap? Imap will sync a folder when you click on it, even if its not the scheduled send/receive time.

When I start Outlook, another email address pops up at the top of the screen, asking me for the Password. If I cancel it, it works ok. But I'm wondering why that particular address pops up. It's an address.
It's hard to say why its doing it.. but there have been issues with address, especially if you use 2-factor auth.
There we go! Thanks for chiming (or humming) in on this Diane. Your fix for my first question only created an error when trying to close down Windows or the computer. Plus it made the FN / F9 stop controlling the mousepad. I had to reboot. I thought it might be that I didn't copy the period at the end of the shortcut so that also and no way would that do anything. :-)

Secondly, I have an email which is a POP & another which is IMAP. This is a problem I've only had for the last couple weeks.

Thirdly,I'm not using a 2-factor authentication. This also is something about 2 weeks of age. It might be as you say, one of those weird and wonderful addresses.
What to you think? :-) And oh yes, as to not coming in on this earlier, I expect everyone to drop whatever their doing and come to my aid immediately! :-)
Seriously, I figured you were tied up somewhere or maybe in Hawaii for a few weeks! :-) Thanks for your always appreciated help Diane. :-)
Your fix for my first question only created an error when trying to close down Windows or the computer. Plus it made the FN / F9 stop controlling the mousepad. I had to reboot.
I haven't used it, because i avoid rebooting and am trying to do better about closing windows when i do. When windows reboots to install updates, i don't mind that it reopens everything.

Thisi s the setting that controls it - i was added some time ago but wasn't working. I don't reboot enough to know if it is working now. :)

Secondly, I have an email which is a POP & another which is IMAP. This is a problem I've only had for the last couple weeks.
its definitely not a typical behavior for pop. Have you tried resetting the view?

This also is something about 2 weeks of age. It might be as you say, one of those weird and wonderful addresses.
I have seen a lot of password/login issues with accounts beginning about that time.... the usual answer is to delete the credentials from credential manager - sometimes it hwlps, sometimes it doesn't.
A couple more questions Diane. If I shut off the "Use my sign in info" to off, how does that effect the computer on a reboot? Is it going to stop the system starting up as usual and asking for the PIN or the Password.
Second question: what is and how do I reset the view? I mean by that, when I click on that, nothing happens and I guess it can't because it's like it's grayed out.
Third question: what are the exciting results should I delete the credentials from the Credential Manager? Do I have to put passwords into each email address again etc.
From Mr Paranoid.
If I shut off the "Use my sign in info" to off, how does that effect the computer on a reboot? Is it going to stop the system starting up as usual and asking for the PIN or the Password.
i have not noticed any issues here. it seems to be working in my Windows version (Insider Fast) - i don't know if it works in the general availability builds.
what is and how do I reset the view? I mean by that, when I click on that, nothing happens and I guess it can't because it's like it's grayed out.
You just click on it- if it doesn't do anything, then its not yet enabled in your build.

Do I have to put passwords into each email address again etc.
Yes, for the ones you deleted, but only delete the entries that contain the email address.
Ok! Copy that! Thank you so much Diane for your always excellent help. You're the best and remind your husband after you read this. Tell him something like, "You're very fortunate to have met me!" I find things like that always help in a marriage! :)
Diane, here's an update as to my third question I had asked you. It was as follows:
When I start Outlook, another email address pops up at the top of the screen, asking me for the Password. If I cancel it, it works ok. But I'm wondering why that particular address pops up. It's an address.
For some weird and wonderful reason, I just noticed (or received) a notice that said the following. This was dated back back on the 22nd of March. Why I'm just noticing it now is beyond me, other than I'm a man.

Verify your account.
We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in for the Microsoft account For example, you might be signing in from a new location, device, or app.
To help keep you safe, we've blocked access to your inbox, contacts list, and calendar for that sign-in. Please review your recent activity and we'll help you secure your account. To regain access, you'll need to confirm that the recent activity was yours.

Review recent activity

I got a code and checked everything and simply logged out. I shut down Outlook 2013 and when I restarted it, the particular email address was not asking for the Password anymore.
Thought I should throw that info over to you just to let you know I made a mistake and did it right. Thanks again for your help. :-)
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