If you are asking; Can you create user fields, the answer is Yes!
BCM has the ability to create user defined fields.
Go to Business Manager Contact tab, click on Custom Forms-Manager user
defined fields, Pick Account or Business Contact, then Page: in the drop down
box click general tab, group field then use add fields during the fields
being made there will be another drop down box with text, numbers, and
currency (you pick which one you want), ( view the example below) plus name
the field, click okay. Go to Accounts or Business Contact to verify field
implemented. You can use this to add extra numbers, also to find out if your
business contacts are faith based or not, you can add almost anything you
want to fit your needs.
I hope this helps....
If you are not working on a server...
Please remember to back up your MSSmallbus database and save it to your
flashdrive for easy access....
"Archie" wrote:
> I need the ability to generate proposals from user-created fields. I have
> this ability in ACT at present and need to have it in a new contact manager.
> We use the fields to both generate reports, and to generate proposals as well
> as other documents, and I need to know if BCD has this feature.