Mark as read

  • Thread starter Thread starter mkboynton
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I have the following code in my Outlook today page to list the emails in my

inbox and provide a link to open them. My question is how do I mark the

emails as read when I click on them?

<script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript"
Function GetInboxSubjects()

Dim theApp

Dim theOLNS

Dim inboxFolder

Dim mSubject, MyArray, MyMsg

Set theApp = window.external.OutlookApplication

Set theOLNS = theApp.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set inboxFolder = theOLNS.GetDefaultFolder(6)

For Each InboxItem In inboxFolder.Items

'Check if message has been read or not

If InboxItem.UnRead = True then

TF = "No"


TF = "Yes"

End If

'Email information table


FRAME='below' style='table-layout:fixed'><TR><TD WIDTH='25%' style='border-

color:black; border-width:0' nowrap><A HREF='outlook:inbox/"& InboxItem.

EntryID & "' title='Read " & InboxItem.Subject & "'>" & InboxItem.SenderName

& "</A></TD><TD WIDTH='43%' style='border-color:black; border-width:0'

nowrap><A HREF='outlook:inbox/"& InboxItem.EntryID & "' title='Read " &

InboxItem.Subject & "'>" & InboxItem.Subject & "</A></TD><TD WIDTH=25%'

style='border-color:black; border-width:0' nowrap>" & InboxItem.SentOn &

"</TD><TD WIDTH='7%' style='border-color:black; border-width:0' nowrap>" & TF

& "</TD></TR>" & mList


'Header table

mList = "<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='Silver' BORDER='1' CELLPADDING='3'

CELLSPACING='0' FRAME='rhs' style='table-layout:fixed'><TR><TD WIDTH='25%'

style='border-color:black; border-width:0'>Sender</TD><TD WIDTH='43%'

style='border-color:black'>Subject</TD><TD WIDTH='25%' style='border-color:

black; border-width:0'>Date</TD><TD WIDTH='7%' style='border-color:

silver'>Read</TD></TR></TABLE>" & mList

'Fill the <div
document.getElementById("Subject").innerHTML = mList

'Update the table every 30 seconds

cTimer = setTimeout("GetInboxSubjects()",30000)

Set theApp = Nothing

Set theOLNS = Nothing

Set inboxFolder = Nothing

End Function


Have you tried to set teh Unread property to false?

Do not loop through all the messages in a folder. Use Items.Find/FindNext

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)


"mkboynton " <u10467@uwe> wrote in message

> I have the following code in my Outlook today page to list the emails in my
> inbox and provide a link to open them. My question is how do I mark the
> emails as read when I click on them?

> <script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript"
> Function GetInboxSubjects()
> Dim theApp
> Dim theOLNS
> Dim inboxFolder
> Dim mSubject, MyArray, MyMsg

> Set theApp = window.external.OutlookApplication
> Set theOLNS = theApp.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
> Set inboxFolder = theOLNS.GetDefaultFolder(6)

> For Each InboxItem In inboxFolder.Items

> 'Check if message has been read or not
> If InboxItem.UnRead = True then
> TF = "No"
> Else
> TF = "Yes"
> End If

> 'Email information table
> FRAME='below' style='table-layout:fixed'><TR><TD WIDTH='25%'
> style='border-
> color:black; border-width:0' nowrap><A HREF='outlook:inbox/"& InboxItem.
> EntryID & "' title='Read " & InboxItem.Subject & "'>" &
> InboxItem.SenderName
> & "</A></TD><TD WIDTH='43%' style='border-color:black; border-width:0'
> nowrap><A HREF='outlook:inbox/"& InboxItem.EntryID & "' title='Read " &
> InboxItem.Subject & "'>" & InboxItem.Subject & "</A></TD><TD WIDTH=25%'
> style='border-color:black; border-width:0' nowrap>" & InboxItem.SentOn &
> "</TD><TD WIDTH='7%' style='border-color:black; border-width:0' nowrap>" &
> TF
> & "</TD></TR>" & mList
> Next

> 'Header table
> mList = "<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='Silver' BORDER='1'
> CELLSPACING='0' FRAME='rhs' style='table-layout:fixed'><TR><TD WIDTH='25%'
> style='border-color:black; border-width:0'>Sender</TD><TD WIDTH='43%'
> style='border-color:black'>Subject</TD><TD WIDTH='25%'
> style='border-color:
> black; border-width:0'>Date</TD><TD WIDTH='7%' style='border-color:
> silver'>Read</TD></TR></TABLE>" & mList

> 'Fill the <div
> document.getElementById("Subject").innerHTML = mList

> 'Update the table every 30 seconds
> cTimer = setTimeout("GetInboxSubjects()",30000)

> Set theApp = Nothing
> Set theOLNS = Nothing
> Set inboxFolder = Nothing

> End Function
> </Script
> >
Dmitry Streblechenko wrote:
> Have you tried to set teh Unread property to false?
> Do not loop through all the messages in a folder. Use Items.Find/FindNext
> >I have the following code in my Outlook today page to list the emails in my
> > inbox and provide a link to open them. My question is how do I mark the

> [quoted text clipped - 59 lines]
> > End Function
> > </Script>

I have tried to set the Unread property to false using an onclick event, but

it seems to ignore the onclick since I have a <a href

What is the relevant snippet of your code? Do you call MailItem.Save?

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)


"mkboynton " <u10467@uwe> wrote in message

> Dmitry Streblechenko wrote:
> >Have you tried to set teh Unread property to false?
> >Do not loop through all the messages in a folder. Use Items.Find/FindNext
> >
> >>I have the following code in my Outlook today page to list the emails in
> >>my
> >> inbox and provide a link to open them. My question is how do I mark the

> >[quoted text clipped - 59 lines]
> >> End Function
> >> </Script>

> I have tried to set the Unread property to false using an onclick event,
> but
> it seems to ignore the onclick since I have a <a href
> >
Dmitry Streblechenko wrote:
> What is the relevant snippet of your code? Do you call MailItem.Save?
> >>Have you tried to set teh Unread property to false?
> >>Do not loop through all the messages in a folder. Use Items.Find/FindNext

> [quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
> > but
> > it seems to ignore the onclick since I have a <a href>

Here is what I have so doen's even fire the MsgBox.

Sub MarkAsRead()

Dim theApp

Dim theOLNS

Set theApp = window.external.OutlookApplication

Set theOLNS = theApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)

MsgBox "Marking as read"

If theOLNS.UnRead = True then

theOLNS.UnRead = False


End If

Set theApp = Nothing

Set theOLNS = Nothing

End Sub

Which is a good indication that the MarkAsRead sub does not even get called,


Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)


"mkboynton " <u10467@uwe> wrote in message

> Dmitry Streblechenko wrote:
> >What is the relevant snippet of your code? Do you call MailItem.Save?
> >
> >>>Have you tried to set teh Unread property to false?
> >>>Do not loop through all the messages in a folder. Use
> >>>Items.Find/FindNext

> >[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
> >> but
> >> it seems to ignore the onclick since I have a <a href>

> Here is what I have so doen's even fire the MsgBox.
> Sub MarkAsRead()
> Dim theApp
> Dim theOLNS

> Set theApp = window.external.OutlookApplication
> Set theOLNS = theApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)

> MsgBox "Marking as read"

> If theOLNS.UnRead = True then
> theOLNS.UnRead = False
> theOLNS.Save
> End If

> Set theApp = Nothing
> Set theOLNS = Nothing

> End Sub

> >
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