sort over flagstatus

  • Thread starter Thread starter King Albert
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King Albert


In my inbox I have a folder "Servers"

That folder is populated by mails that either I moved or created there

using VBS. The script flags these mails Red, Green, Blue and Yellow based

on different criteria.

As a final step the script needs to sort (or rather group) these mailitems

by flagcolor. When I arrive at work I want my server reports grouped by


I came across items.sort "somekey" , started looking for its "flag"

equivalent and then read a disconcerting post from Sue Mosher that sorting

this way isn't going to cut it in the GUI anyway.

please give me a few pointers to solve this


Have you tried using the View | Current View | Define Views command to

create a new named view with the layout you want? If you continue to have

problems with this, please state your Outlook version.

Sue Mosher

"King Albert" <> wrote in message


> Hi,

> In my inbox I have a folder "Servers"
> That folder is populated by mails that either I moved or created there
> using VBS. The script flags these mails Red, Green, Blue and Yellow based
> on different criteria.

> As a final step the script needs to sort (or rather group) these mailitems
> by flagcolor. When I arrive at work I want my server reports grouped by
> color.

> I came across items.sort "somekey" , started looking for its "flag"
> equivalent and then read a disconcerting post from Sue Mosher that sorting
> this way isn't going to cut it in the GUI anyway.

> please give me a few pointers to solve this

> thx

> Ward
I hadn't thought of that, but I tried it just now.

In the GUI it works: if I select the "Servers" view mailitems are sorted

by flagcolor.

In the script I added this line I discovered in one of your previous

posts :

ol.ActiveExplorer.CurrentView = "Servers"

But it didn't change the default view in that folder after it ran (with

on error switched off and no faults)

The script expects its mails in the Servers folder, when runs it creates

a new subfolder

With serverfolder

Set nieuwefolder =.Folders.add("Servers " & Date)

> ..

and then starts to flag and move the mailitems. Every run it deletes the

folder from 7 days ago.

It would be cool if we could attach the "Servers view" to these newly

created folders.

Target is Outlook 2003

thank you !


"Sue Mosher [MVP]" <> wrote in


> Have you tried using the View | Current View | Define Views command to
> create a new named view with the layout you want? If you continue to
> have problems with this, please state your Outlook version.
From your description, it sounds like Servers may be a view with the scope

"on this folder visible to everyone," which means it cannot be used on other

folders. Make a copy of that view with the scope "on all Mail and Post

folders," so that it can be used on any folder.

Sue Mosher

"King Albert" <> wrote in message

> I hadn't thought of that, but I tried it just now.

> In the GUI it works: if I select the "Servers" view mailitems are sorted
> by flagcolor.

> In the script I added this line I discovered in one of your previous
> posts :

> ol.ActiveExplorer.CurrentView = "Servers"

> But it didn't change the default view in that folder after it ran (with
> on error switched off and no faults)

> The script expects its mails in the Servers folder, when runs it creates
> a new subfolder

> With serverfolder
> Set nieuwefolder =.Folders.add("Servers " & Date)
> ...

> and then starts to flag and move the mailitems. Every run it deletes the
> folder from 7 days ago.

> It would be cool if we could attach the "Servers view" to these newly
> created folders.

> Target is Outlook 2003

> thank you !

> Ward

> "Sue Mosher [MVP]" <> wrote in
> news:uiopkgj$JHA.200@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl:
> > Have you tried using the View | Current View | Define Views command to
> > create a new named view with the layout you want? If you continue to
> > have problems with this, please state your Outlook version.

> "King Albert" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9C40916EF1F9kingalbert2forpresid@

>> Hi,

>> In my inbox I have a folder "Servers"
> > That folder is populated by mails that either I moved or created there
> > using VBS. The script flags these mails Red, Green, Blue and Yellow based
> > on different criteria.

>> As a final step the script needs to sort (or rather group) these
> > mailitems
> > by flagcolor. When I arrive at work I want my server reports grouped by
> > color.

>> I came across items.sort "somekey" , started looking for its "flag"
> > equivalent and then read a disconcerting post from Sue Mosher that
> > sorting
> > this way isn't going to cut it in the GUI anyway.
No it was right first time, but I did trip over objectvariable references

like I shouldn't anymore :-)

Set ol.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = nieuwefolder

ol.ActiveExplorer.CurrentView = "Servers"

Thank you very much !


"Sue Mosher [MVP]" <> wrote in


> From your description, it sounds like Servers may be a view with the
> scope "on this folder visible to everyone," which means it cannot be
> used on other folders. Make a copy of that view with the scope "on all
> Mail and Post folders," so that it can be used on any folder.
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