Reading another mailbox Address

  • Thread starter Thread starter Leanne
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With the help of Sue's drag and drop sample code, I was able to get dragging

and dropping email to a form working in The problem I am having is

getting the exchange recipient email address for another mailbox. I have the

code working to get the exchange users email addresses but it's failing when

a recipient is another mailbox. Here's the code I'm using. Thanks for any


Dim recipients As Outlook.Recipients = mail.Recipients

If recipients IsNot Nothing Then


For i As Integer = 1 To recipients.Count

Dim recipient As Outlook.Recipient = recipients.Item(i)

If recipient IsNot Nothing Then

If recipient.Type = CInt(recipientType) Then

Dim entry As Outlook.AddressEntry =


If entry IsNot Nothing Then


If entry.Type.ToString.ToUpper =

"EX" Then

If entry.getexchangeuser Is

Nothing Then

listBoxItems.Add(recipient.Name & "") 'WORKS WITH THIS LINE




End If



End If

End If

End If

End If


End If
What exactly does not work?

Are you trying to retrieve the SMTP address of an EX user when the AD

hosting that user detaisl is not available?

You cannot do that: the primary SMTP address is stored in the AD, so it

needs to be accessible, there is no way around that.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
i think thats not possible to proceed... Anyway Thank you for the best

information from you. I want to share this to you... About the domain

name and hosting services.. Then i got my domain name as an

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