Reading Recipients in a folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neil Perry
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Neil Perry

Hi -

I am trying to extract all of the email addresses I have sent emails to in a

folder to a text file. So far I have been able to extract the email address

of the person who sent the email (i.e. me) using the SenderEmailAddress

property, but when I try to use the Recipients property, I get the error

"Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method."

The code I am using is:

Sub SetFlagIcon()

Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application

Dim mpfInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder

Dim obj As Outlook.MailItem

Dim i As Integer

Dim s As String

Dim sendername1 As String

Dim response As Integer

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set mpfInbox =


' Loop all items in the Inbox\Test Folder

For i = 1 To mpfInbox.Items.Count

If mpfInbox.Items(i).Class = olMail Then

Set obj = mpfInbox.Items.Item(i)

s = obj.SenderEmailAddress

's = obj.Recipients


MyFile = "c:\nperry4\" & "nperry4.txt"

fnum = FreeFile()

Open MyFile For Append As fnum

Print #fnum, s

Close #fnum

End If


End Sub

I have commented out the recipients line while I figure it out.

Many thanks for any response.

Recipients is a collection, not a string property:

Set recips = obj.Recipients

For Each recip in Recips

MsgBox recip.Address


Sue Mosher

"Neil Perry" <NeilPerry> wrote in message
> Hi -

> I am trying to extract all of the email addresses I have sent emails to in
> a
> folder to a text file. So far I have been able to extract the email
> address
> of the person who sent the email (i.e. me) using the SenderEmailAddress
> property, but when I try to use the Recipients property, I get the error
> "Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method."

> The code I am using is:

> Sub SetFlagIcon()
> Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application
> Dim mpfInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
> Dim obj As Outlook.MailItem
> Dim i As Integer
> Dim s As String
> Dim sendername1 As String
> Dim response As Integer

> Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
> Set mpfInbox =
> myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Test")
> ' Loop all items in the Inbox\Test Folder
> For i = 1 To mpfInbox.Items.Count
> If mpfInbox.Items(i).Class = olMail Then
> Set obj = mpfInbox.Items.Item(i)
> s = obj.SenderEmailAddress
> 's = obj.Recipients
> obj.Save
> MyFile = "c:\nperry4\" & "nperry4.txt"
> fnum = FreeFile()
> Open MyFile For Append As fnum
> Print #fnum, s
> Close #fnum
> End If
> Next
> End Sub

> I have commented out the recipients line while I figure it out.

> Many thanks for any response.
> Neil
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