Access Program Only Looping Part Way Through Outlook Inbox

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rich Locus
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Rich Locus

Hello Outlook Group:

I am developing an Access application that reads through the Inbox (both

read and unread mail), and under certain conditions, adds the mail

information to an Access database. When I am done looking at the mail item,

I file it one one of two folders: either REJECTS or SAVED MAIL. I'm using


The problem is that it only loops about half-way through the inbox and exits

BEFORE all the mail in the inbox folder is processed. I have two sub-folders

under the inbox, one call REJECTS and the other SAVED MAIL.

If I do a ? InboxItems.COUNT, the count of the mail is correct... i.e. it

will say I have 7 emails, and that's the correct number, but it only loops

through about 4 times instead of 7 and leaves mail in the INBOX. The code

follows. Any ideas?

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit

Public Function ReadInboxAndMoveV1()

Dim TempRst As DAO.Recordset

Dim OlApp As Outlook.Application

Dim Inbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder

Dim SavedMailFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder

Dim RejectMailFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder

Dim InboxItems As Outlook.Items

Dim SavedMailItems As Outlook.MailItem

Dim RejectMailItems As Outlook.MailItem

Dim Mailobject As Object

Dim db As DAO.Database

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * from tbl_outlooktemp"

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

Set db = CurrentDb

Set OlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set Inbox = OlApp.GetNamespace("Mapi").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

Set SavedMailFolder =



Set RejectMailFolder =


Set TempRst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_OutlookTemp")


Set InboxItems = Inbox.Items


For Each Mailobject In InboxItems

If UCase(Left(Mailobject.Subject, 6)) <> "CLIENT" Then

Mailobject.UnRead = False

Set SavedMailItems = Mailobject.Move(RejectMailFolder)


With TempRst

> AddNew

!Subject = Mailobject.Subject

!from = Mailobject.SenderName

!To = Mailobject.To

!Body = Mailobject.Body

!DateSent = Mailobject.SentOn

> Update

Mailobject.UnRead = False

Set SavedMailItems = Mailobject.Move(SavedMailFolder)

End With

End If


Set TempRst = Nothing

Set OlApp = Nothing

Set Inbox = Nothing

Set SavedMailFolder = Nothing

Set InboxItems = Nothing

Set SavedMailItems = Nothing

Set Mailobject = Nothing

End Function

Any help would be appreciated!!!

Rich Locus

Logicwurks, LLC
One more fact. If I keep running the Access macro that runs the code listed

above, eventually all the mail gets processed. It's just a mystery why it

quits early. For example, if I have 10 emails in my Inbox, it might clear

out 6 and leave 4 in the INBOX. The next time I run it, it might process 3

of the 4 and leave 1. Then the third time I run it, it will finally clear

out the email. VERY STRANGE!!!

Rich Locus

Logicwurks, LLC

"Rich Locus" wrote:

> Hello Outlook Group:

> I am developing an Access application that reads through the Inbox (both
> read and unread mail), and under certain conditions, adds the mail
> information to an Access database. When I am done looking at the mail item,
> I file it one one of two folders: either REJECTS or SAVED MAIL. I'm using
> POP3.

> The problem is that it only loops about half-way through the inbox and exits
> BEFORE all the mail in the inbox folder is processed. I have two sub-folders
> under the inbox, one call REJECTS and the other SAVED MAIL.

> If I do a ? InboxItems.COUNT, the count of the mail is correct... i.e. it
> will say I have 7 emails, and that's the correct number, but it only loops
> through about 4 times instead of 7 and leaves mail in the INBOX. The code
> follows. Any ideas?

> Option Compare Database
> Option Explicit

> Public Function ReadInboxAndMoveV1()
> Dim TempRst As DAO.Recordset
> Dim OlApp As Outlook.Application
> Dim Inbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
> Dim SavedMailFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
> Dim RejectMailFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
> Dim InboxItems As Outlook.Items
> Dim SavedMailItems As Outlook.MailItem
> Dim RejectMailItems As Outlook.MailItem
> Dim Mailobject As Object
> Dim db As DAO.Database

> DoCmd.SetWarnings False
> DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * from tbl_outlooktemp"
> DoCmd.SetWarnings True
> Set db = CurrentDb

> Set OlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
> Set Inbox = OlApp.GetNamespace("Mapi").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
> Set SavedMailFolder =
> OlApp.GetNamespace("Mapi").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Saved
> Mail")
> Set RejectMailFolder =
> OlApp.GetNamespace("Mapi").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Rejects")
> Set TempRst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_OutlookTemp")
> '
> Set InboxItems = Inbox.Items
> '
> For Each Mailobject In InboxItems
> If UCase(Left(Mailobject.Subject, 6)) <> "CLIENT" Then
> Mailobject.UnRead = False
> Set SavedMailItems = Mailobject.Move(RejectMailFolder)
> Else
> With TempRst
> .AddNew
> !Subject = Mailobject.Subject
> !from = Mailobject.SenderName
> !To = Mailobject.To
> !Body = Mailobject.Body
> !DateSent = Mailobject.SentOn
> .Update
> Mailobject.UnRead = False
> Set SavedMailItems = Mailobject.Move(SavedMailFolder)
> End With
> End If
> Next

> Set TempRst = Nothing
> Set OlApp = Nothing
> Set Inbox = Nothing
> Set SavedMailFolder = Nothing
> Set InboxItems = Nothing
> Set SavedMailItems = Nothing
> Set Mailobject = Nothing

> End Function

> Any help would be appreciated!!!
> > Rich Locus
> Logicwurks, LLC

Could you please delete this post? I'm going to put in a simpler example.

Rich Locus

Logicwurks, LLC

"Rich Locus" wrote:

> Hello Outlook Group:

> I am developing an Access application that reads through the Inbox (both
> read and unread mail), and under certain conditions, adds the mail
> information to an Access database. When I am done looking at the mail item,
> I file it one one of two folders: either REJECTS or SAVED MAIL. I'm using
> POP3.

> The problem is that it only loops about half-way through the inbox and exits
> BEFORE all the mail in the inbox folder is processed. I have two sub-folders
> under the inbox, one call REJECTS and the other SAVED MAIL.

> If I do a ? InboxItems.COUNT, the count of the mail is correct... i.e. it
> will say I have 7 emails, and that's the correct number, but it only loops
> through about 4 times instead of 7 and leaves mail in the INBOX. The code
> follows. Any ideas?

> Option Compare Database
> Option Explicit

> Public Function ReadInboxAndMoveV1()
> Dim TempRst As DAO.Recordset
> Dim OlApp As Outlook.Application
> Dim Inbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
> Dim SavedMailFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
> Dim RejectMailFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
> Dim InboxItems As Outlook.Items
> Dim SavedMailItems As Outlook.MailItem
> Dim RejectMailItems As Outlook.MailItem
> Dim Mailobject As Object
> Dim db As DAO.Database

> DoCmd.SetWarnings False
> DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * from tbl_outlooktemp"
> DoCmd.SetWarnings True
> Set db = CurrentDb

> Set OlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
> Set Inbox = OlApp.GetNamespace("Mapi").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
> Set SavedMailFolder =
> OlApp.GetNamespace("Mapi").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Saved
> Mail")
> Set RejectMailFolder =
> OlApp.GetNamespace("Mapi").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Rejects")
> Set TempRst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_OutlookTemp")
> '
> Set InboxItems = Inbox.Items
> '
> For Each Mailobject In InboxItems
> If UCase(Left(Mailobject.Subject, 6)) <> "CLIENT" Then
> Mailobject.UnRead = False
> Set SavedMailItems = Mailobject.Move(RejectMailFolder)
> Else
> With TempRst
> .AddNew
> !Subject = Mailobject.Subject
> !from = Mailobject.SenderName
> !To = Mailobject.To
> !Body = Mailobject.Body
> !DateSent = Mailobject.SentOn
> .Update
> Mailobject.UnRead = False
> Set SavedMailItems = Mailobject.Move(SavedMailFolder)
> End With
> End If
> Next

> Set TempRst = Nothing
> Set OlApp = Nothing
> Set Inbox = Nothing
> Set SavedMailFolder = Nothing
> Set InboxItems = Nothing
> Set SavedMailItems = Nothing
> Set Mailobject = Nothing

> End Function

> Any help would be appreciated!!!
> > Rich Locus
> Logicwurks, LLC
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