I was able to get some code that scans a Word document highlights a word the
user enters but it won't work on Outlook.
Sub FindRepetitiveWords()
' Find Repetitive Words Macro
' Macro recorded 11/6/2003 by Monica Burns
'//Get Info from User
'//Place information in variable sUserString and Insert into document
Dim sUserString As String
sUserString = InputBox("Please Enter The Word to Search For", "Word
Searching For")
Selection.Find.Replacement.Highlight = True
With Selection.Find
> Text = sUserString
> Replacement.Text = sUserString
> Forward = True
> Wrap = wdFindContinue
> Format = True
> MatchCase = False
> MatchWholeWord = False
> MatchWildcards = False
> MatchSoundsLike = False
> MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End Sub
If anybody can point me to something that would show how to conver t it
Outlook, I would appreciated it.
"Rhutch" wrote:
> Sue:
> I tried several times to log into the Community newsgroup but couldn't seem
> to get the web page to display after attempting to log-on. I finally get it
> to respond. I have read your response and hopefully can provide the
> information you requested. I am using version 2003 of Outlook at work. The
> intent, I think, is to open an e-mail and run a macro that looks for certain
> words. Once it finds an occurrence of one of the words, it highlights it,
> and changes the background to a different color, such as yellow, then
> continues to the end of the e-mail. The person who asked me to do this for
> him apparently gets several e-mails a day, 30 or so pages long and currently
> has to go through them manually to find the designated words.
> Hope you get this.
> Thanks very much for responding,
> > rhutch
> "Sue Mosher [MVP]" wrote:
> > In what version of Outlook? Highlight those words in an open message? In the
> > reading pane?
> > > > Sue Mosher
> > > > > > > > "Rhutch" wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > > I have been asked to write a macro for Outlook that will scan an e-mail for
> > > select words such as Voluntary, Surrender, etc. and then change the
> > > background (highlight) those words found in an e-mail. I have used VBA in
> > > Excel and Access but not in Outlook.
> > > > I looked through all 43 pages on the site and could not find a post to help.
> > > Probably looked right past several.
> > > > Anyway, any help would be appreciated.
> > > > thanks,
> > > > > > rhutch