Attempting to delete Exchange account in Office 2010 gives "primary account cannot be deleted"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Myron Schroner
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Myron Schroner

I've got Outlook 2010. I'm moving from one Exchange hosting service to another. I've added the second Exchange account and am trying to remove the original one.

I've made the new one the default for both email and data files, but when I try to remove the old one I get " The primary account cannot be removed unless it is the only account in the profile. You must remove all other Exchange accounts before removing the primary account."

How do I make the original account not be the primary account? (making the email and file defaults be the other account doesn't seem to be sufficient.)

You probably can't. I would have started over with a new profile. So should you.Russ Valentine
Follow the suggestion suggested by Russ. Export the data from Outlook and backup the data. Then create new profile, add the new exchange account and import the old data in new profile.

To create new profile, follow the article below.
I have the same issue with a client who switched to a new Exchange hosting service. I KNOW I can create a new profile...easy, but I don't want to. All user preferences and signatures are setup in the existing profile. The new account is setup as the primary, both in the E-mail tab and the Data file tab. Two accounts, one is the default and BOTH say they are the primary account when trying to delete one. I think it is a functional flaw with Outlook 2010 when it thinks two different accounts are primary...

Just my 2 cents. Will probably end up creating a new profile. I DO appreciate that we can finally have more than one Exchange account in Outlook!
Re: Attempting to delete Exchange account in Office 2010 gives "primary accoun

You probably can't. I would have started over with a new profile. So should you.Russ Valentine

I keep going around the Internet finding this bad advice from you. Yes it is a workaround. No it doesn't solve the original problem.

For instance, I set up email accounts all day with 6 exchange mailboxes. Telling me I should have to create a profile and reconnect all six each time is absurd. This is a Bug in Outlook 2010. It is April 2012 and Microsoft STILL has not addressed this bug. The Interface gives you a giant button to click on and remove the account but it does nothing. It is not a greyed out button. It is a live button. You click it and all you get is an error message which has nothing to do with the supposed problem.

Microsoft needs to fix this bug and allow people to remove any single Exchange account from a profile without any other shenanigans. Just click the button and it should happen. Automation is the purpose of software.
Re: Attempting to delete Exchange account in Office 2010 gives "primary accoun

Ezil's is just as bad and s/he works in support for microsoft. New profiles suck and they are suggested way too often.

Why would you need to recreate the profile each time? If there is some reason why you need to add/remove accounts or require a specific one as the 'primary', make more profiles. Copy the profile that is configured as you like, then remove/add accounts to the profile.

Go to control panel, mail and remove the primary account from the profile, you'll need to add a pst to set as default and restart outlook once. The return to the control panel and add the new account. (In my experience, it is not listed in the profile until you restart outlook - then you need to go to account settings and set the ost as default.)

While a new profile is faster, this method will preserve profile specific configurations.

(I'll ask the team what the deal is with the primary acct. )
Re: Attempting to delete Exchange account in Office 2010 gives "primary accoun

Ok... i was able to delete a key from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\profile-name then was able to delete the account.

Unfortunately, the key does not appear to be the same in all profiles - this is the key i removed that allowed me to delete the primary account.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\1test2exchange\2664f0b83e570f418690b4b4ca71bfb9]












Re: Attempting to delete Exchange account in Office 2010 gives "primary accoun

Try searching the profile for 001e660b - should find 2 keys with this value for each account. You only need to delete one of the keys, but I'm still working on figuring out which one... if you delete the correct one or both then start outlook, you can remove the 'prmary' account. At least that is how it works in my tests so far.
Re: Attempting to delete Exchange account in Office 2010 gives "primary accoun

You probably can't. I would have started over with a new profile. So should you.Russ Valentine

I also keep going around the Internet finding this bad advice from you. Yes it is a workaround. No it doesn't solve the original problem.

if you don't know the answer, or are un-prepared to put up a solution that you have tested yourself, please step back and let someone else answer.

Diane Poremsky - has posted exactly the answer that i was searching for. - and it looks like she's done a bit of work testing it and posting results.

Thanks Diane !
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