Can't set work time in OL 2010, all options are grayed out.

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Can't set work time in OL 2010, all options are grayed out. Using Windows XP Pro in an AD environment. After OL 2010 was first installed, I was able to set it, now my work hours are back at the default (7 to 7) and I can't make any changes as every option is grayed out. I have a co-worker who set his, it is still set at what he set it to but his is also grayed out. He cannot change his either. OL/File/Calendar/Work Time (Path to options). Anyone know why this may have happened?
it sounds like there is a group policy set. While you can't change it, you can look in the registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook and see if its set there.
Thank you for the response. Well, it seems I am so busy that I forgot to troubleshoot this issue. Today, I remembered and went to the registry key you provided, nothing there that I could see that related to setting work time. I went back in to check the options again to see if they were still grayed out and they we not. Now I am able to set the time again. So, not sure what happened or what changed. I know I have rebooted since then, maybe that was it? IDK. So, my fix was to either 1. Reboot, or 2. Give it some time. Again, thank you for your quick response. :-)
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