Conversation Folder in multiple accounts

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server

I have 2 accounts in my Outlook 2010 and using LYNC. I used to see my converstion history in my default account. Lately, I noticed that the conversation history was transferred to the other account. by the way this account is shared with my boss. How do I set the default conversation history folder back to my own account.
Hi everyone,

seems no one has encountered this kind of error. O well, by doing some work around I finally got the result through the help of our IT SAM COLLADO!

If you encountered this problem, all you have to do is to delete the other account where the Conversation History was transferred

1. Start>>ControlPanel>>Mail>>EmailAccounts>>Choose the desired account>>Delete

2. Close

3. Restart

4. Viola! back to origginal account were it is supposed to be saved.

5. Put back the account that was deleted.
It sounds like the wrong account got set as default. I only recently started using Lync and haven't see that issue, but if it happens to me, I'll know how to fix it. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Larry,

It wasn't set to the wrong account :). You're welcome!
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