Extra Spacing in Email Replies

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Email Account
Hi Guys,

I currently subscribe to various mailing lists. Filters are setup to drop the email into sub-folders and I view by conversation. Every so often there will be a reply to a topic that contains extra spacing in the subject. When that happens Outlook sees it as a new conversation and I end up with the conversation split over two or three groups.

Please see the attached screenshot which shows the same conversation split over 6 groups because there are extra spaces in the subject at various points.

I think this has to do with how the sender's email program handles the subject, but I'm posting this in case anything can be done in Outlook to resolve the issue.

Running Office 2007 w/ SP2.

The screenshot is showing grouped by Subject and not conversation. I have just checked another folder which is grouped by conversation and the same thing happens.



Yes, its related to the sender's mail client. Unfortunately, Outlook can't do anything about it and you usually can't fix it. (You can try - Edit Subject line - but outlook groups by the conversation index which you can't change.)
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